The Day Approaches

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Cheryl's POV-

I was peacefully enjoying my dream when I felt my body being lifted up my thin air...then I got pulled down the by the force of gravity...then I bounced up again. My half-conscious mind managed to have enough sense to know that I should not be bouncing around if I were in a bed. Which means I'm not in a bed. Where am I? Oh yeah, now I remember. A trampoline.

"Quit jumping, Louis." I said, trying to keep myself from falling off.

"It's time for school!" He yelled into my ear. I winced. "You need to hand in that Math worksheet, remember? You should be on time to school. I said, get up!"

"You sound like Liam."

"That's a personal insult. Niall's driving you to school. Get up, you annoying little rug-rat."

"And you're back."

I ignored his as best as I could. "I hate school." I mumbled, still trying not to fall out of the trampoline.

"No one disobeys me. Get up!" He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me up until I was in a sitting position. I admitted defeat, and slowly shuffled up to my room like a zombie.

"Whaaaat?" I bumped into someone as I made my way up the stairs. Seemingly Liam.

"Cheryl where were you?" He asked, letting out a sigh of relief. "You weren't in your room, or in the other boys'! I thought you ran away."

"The last thing I would want to do is run away." I said tiredly, continuing my journey up the stairs. "I was on the trampoline. With Louis."

"What?" He asked again. "On the trampoline, are you kidding me?"

I didn't bother replying. I just went up to my room, brushed my teeth and changed. School. That word has a lot of meanings. Four more days only with Lily, I thought sadly as I put on some jeans. Then my best friend wouldn't be with me. But on the other hand, four more days till I don't need to face Katie. That would be quite good for a change.

After I changed, I went over to Niall's room. He was lying on his bed with a bagel on his hand, spraying crumbs all over his bed. I brushed the crumbs out of the way and sat down. "I hear you're driving me to school today?"

He nodded, his mouth too full so that he couldn't speak.

"Nice. See you downstairs then?" I went out, not wanting to interrupt his lovely reunion with his bagel. In the kitchen, I grabbed my own bagel too, and ate it while looking at my phone.

"Oh yeah, I just remembered." Liam said, sitting down next to me and handing me an orange juice. I took it and had a sip.

"You just remembered to get me orange juice?"

"Don't be silly. I was just thinking, you can still have our numbers on your phone but we need to change the name of the contact, so people won't accidently see it." I gave my phone and he tapped on it, giving it back to me after a few minutes. "There you go. I'm Train, Louis' Bear, Niall's Potato, Harry's Curlyhead, and Zayn's Silence."

"That's...creative." I pocketed the phone and finished up my breakfast. I waited for my Niall to come down, and when he did, we went to the car.

"I'm driving you to school." He hummed tunelessly, opening the car door for me.

"Thanks, Potato." I said, fastening my seatbelt.

"You called me what?" He frowned at me.


He looked thoughtful for a while, then a smile crept on his face. "I like it!"

When we arrived at the school, Niall didn't let me go straight in.

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