Old & New

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Cheryl's POV -

"What." I demanded immediately.

"Daisy." He replied. "She told the press. Look."

I took his phone in my hands and I saw that he was on a website about celebrities' news. In bold letters was the title GIRL SPOTTED HANGING AROUND 1D LATELY.

There was a picture of us at the beach a few weeks ago, and another of us just walking on a street. I quickly scanned through the article. It didn't mention about them adopting me exactly, but it did point out that I was seen with One Direction practically daily. The reporters suspected the boys were up to no good. Like they were going to rape me or something. Ha. As if.

"At least she didn't say it exactly." I felt relieved and handed the phone back to Harry.

"Not yet." Harry said, pocketing the phone. "Just now she said I had to get back together with her, or she'll tell everyone about everything."

"No way, are you kidding me?" Zayn said.

"You were always right about her." Harry said, sighing. "I was just too blind to see. I'll call her back, say something so she'll stop this nonsense."

He quickly dialed back and Daisy picked up in a few seconds. Harry put it on speakerphone to amuse us.

"Hello darling!" Harry simpered. "How are you doing, sweetheart! I miss you lots already!" I buried my face into Louis' shirt to muffle up my laughter.

"Not really that great." Daisy snapped. "Thanks to you."

Harry rolled his eyes and tried to control his laughter before answering.

"I'm really sorry, love." He said. "I never meant that. You're the only one I could ever love." If I closed my eyes I could just about picture him on his knees handing flowers to wicked Queen Daisy. I had another serious fit of giggles.

Then Daisy started tediously talking about their next date and stuff, so I went up to my room to prevent myself from dying of boredom.

After an hour, I headed back down to find Harry finishing the call. When he hung off he reached out for my hand and laid it on his forehead.

"Am I having an extremely serious fever?" He asked me hopefully.

"Nope." I replied. "What's so terrible that you want to forget about?"

"I'm Daisy's boyfriend again." He said, sounding depressed. "This life sucks."

"At least I'm still in your life!" I said. "And you can always pretend, you know. Act like you're Daisy's boyfriend, but it doesn't mean you really are in your heart."

"Yeah." He said, "I'm going to go talk to Zayn. I really need to hear a guy's voice after enduring an hour of Daisy's nattering."

He left the room and I had no company. Niall had gone to a football match and Liam had gone to visit some of his friends. I went to find Louis in his room, lying on his bed and tossing a football around, looking bored.

"What're you doing?" I asked him.

"Nothing." He replied.

"Wanna go out?" I asked. "It's so boring here."

"Yeah!" He said, throwing the football to the corner of his room and getting up.

"Aren't you gonna pick that up?" I asked, gesturing at the football. He frowned at me.

"Oh, shut up." He said. "You've been spending too much time in Liam's company. You're starting to sound like him!"

"Which is the reason I'm hanging out with you now and leaving him alone."

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