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Cheryl's POV -

We kept talking all the way, and the boys kept arguing like real brothers. I was getting a bit car sick towards the end of the ride, so I just closed my eyes and leaned on Zayn, listening to snippets of their conversation. I was quite relieved when Liam announced that we’ve arrived. I stepped out of the car into the gleaming sunshine, blinking to get used to the light. In front of me was a sandy beach stretching out for a few hundred meters. Beyond it was a sparkling, clear blue sea with rippling waves.

“This is perfect.” I said breathlessly. It was the prettiest sight I’ve seen in my life.

I started running towards the open sea, kicking off my flip flops before running into it, savoring the feel of the cool seawater washing against my toes. I wiggled my toes.  It was bliss. I went back to the boys reluctantly when I heard them call my name for the tenth time.

“Cheryl! Why did you run off like that?” Liam half-scolded me.

I shrugged.

“I just couldn’t help myself. This beach is perfect, by the way, when are we going into the water?”

“After we unpack our stuff.”

“Never.” Harry and Zayn said at the same time. I rolled my eyes.

“You are swimming today whether you want it or not, Zayn.” I said.

I helped them unpack all the food and stuff, and smeared some sunscreen on my face just to waste some time. Then I took off my clothes until I was standing there with just my swim suit on.

“Are you guys done yet?” I asked, very impatient.

“Yeah, yeah.” Louis said. The boys also kicked off their flip flops, and the five of us ran down the beach and into the water, while Zayn walked slowly behind us, grumbling. He sat at the edge of the beach, his feet just touching the water, while the five of us splashed each other with water.

“That’s for saying I’m your least favourite member of 1D!” Liam said as he kicked water in Louis’ face. Louis went under water to escape Liam’s attacks, and went he came back up for air, he yelled,

“You are so dead now, Liam Payne!” Louis jumped on Liam, forcing both of them under water, and they wrestled in the water, splashing me, Niall and Harry with droplets of water.

“Let’s go further out!” I said to Niall and Harry and we swam away from the two of them. When Liam and Louis resurfaced, they doggy paddled to us, and we talked while treading water.

“Thanks for bringing me here, I love this place.” I said to the boys.

“We used to go here when we first started being a band.” Niall told me. “We just went here and chilled, without having to worry about singing and fans.”

“Cool!” I said, “Do you think the fans will recognize you here?”

They all looked around the beach at the same time, as if they would suddenly see screaming teenage girls appearing.

“I don’t think so. This beach is usually empty. We’ll be safe.” Louis said.

He has a point. The only occupants of this beach were us and two families with little toddlers. Not a teenager in sight.

“Good then. This day would turn into a disaster if people saw you guys with me.”

Harry then showed us how to do somersaults in the water. I had a lot of fun but felt dizzy after a while. Louis learnt it quickly and started somersaulting back to the beach like a crazy person. Which he is, actually.

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