Katie Strikes

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Cheryl's POV -

"Cheryl!” Lily hurried over to me, her hair out of the place under her bright orange beanie. “It’s Katie! You better come see this.”

She pulled me by my sleeve to my locker. I opened it and realized what had happened. Katie had trashed my locker.

Empty packets of crisps were thrown all around. So were orange and banana peels. All my books were drenched in soda, so it left a sickly sweet smell. On the walls of my locker were words written in bright red lipstick. Loser, traitor, criminal, you know what I mean. I turned around slowly. Lily was looking at me with a worried expression on her face. Behind her stood Katie a smirk on her face. I lost my temper and slammed the locker door shut, then strode over to Katie, fury clear on my face.

“You better leave me alone!” I shouted, and everyone in the corridor peered at me curiously, appreciating the drama. “You sicken me!”

“Oh yeah? Manners, Payne.” She said, “Respect your elders, you know.”

“OK, so now you’re my elder, huh?” I yelled, and shoved Katie in her shoulder, causing her to fall back and land on her bum. Too bad my triumph didn’t last long. I could hear the squeaky footsteps of leather shoes approaching, then suddenly Mr. Green the principal was standing in front of us. From his point of view, I was glowering with anger down at Katie and she was on the floor with a hurt look on her face. You could guess whose side he was on. I gulped nervously.

“Care to explain this, young lady?” He asked me sternly.

“I just kinda lost my temper…” I said in what I supposed was an apologetic tone. I could already guess that tattletaling would not be a good idea. “I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.” I added to Katie but still sneaked her a little glare.

“Mmm…” Mr. Green looked from me to Katie thoughtfully. “Can I hear your version of what happened, Harvey?” Trust Mr. Green to know Katie's name and take her side. I mean, it was expected but still.

I purposely sighed loudly, looking at Lily. She shrugged back.

“Oh, so this is what happened, Mr. Green.” Katie started. “I was just walking pass here than I saw Cheryl misusing her locker by throwing rubbish and writing on it with lipstick.”

I shot a disbelieving look at Katie. Her story was ridiculous. Why on earth would I trash my own locker? And writing on it with lipstick? Hello? Girl, I don’t even own a lipstick. But Mr. Green was nodding his head along with her story.

“So,” She was saying, “I went to her and started to tell her that it was wrong to misuse school property, but she just shouted at me instead. I feel really hurt.”

She looked up to Mr. Green with that lame old puppy dog look. Lily pretended to be gagging and I sniggered a little.

“You aren’t supposed to laugh!” Mr. Green shook his finger at me disapprovingly, but he let me off. Good thing that he’s a nice teacher. He didn’t even look at my locker.

Throughout the day, Katie kept shooting me deathly glares, but I in fact became more confident inside. If trashing my locker was her idea of ‘getting me back’, then I shouldn’t be scared at all. Comparing a dagger being stuck in my stomach or my locker being trashed, the latter is nothing.

At the end of the day, when Louis picked me up (he and Niall takes turns of picking me up now. And I still tell Lily he has a severe cold.), I actually laughed a little.

“What’s so funny?” He asked, looking at me through the mirror.

“Nothing, really.” I said, still smiling. “It’s just Katie is no threat to me now.”

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