A yak in the Dark

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Author's Note:

I don't own any of the characters, places, names, etc (only the OC). It all belongs to J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson.

Like a heavy coat, night grew old above them, as they reached the path that would lead them to the pass of Caradhras. The Gray wizard paused, scanning the road up to the mountain. The dove-white mountain soared into the night sky, exposing its chilly and snowy layouts. Gandalf decided it was wiser to camp for the night. The fellowship could rest and regain their stamina. And tomorrow they could take their Journey.

"If we climb the pass that is called the 'Redhorn Gate', under the far side of Caradhras, we shall come down by the Dimrill Stair into the deep vale of the Dwarves. There lies the Mirrormere, and there the River Silverlode rises in its icy springs. But for now, let's set a camp and rest." Gandalf explained as he could hear whispers of relief.

A melancholy gaze fainted on Gimli's face "Kheled-zvram and the cold springs of Kibil-nvla. My heart trembles at the thought that I may see them soon." He said as he was standing near Gandalf.

The hobbits were already busy. Pippin and Merry, trying to find the pots with food. They surrounded Bill (the Pony) and started searching their bags. "Merry, are you sure you're placing the pot in your bag? I cannot find it?" Pippin complained as he could feel his stomach crunchy noises.

"Yes, I am sure I put them there. Let me see." Merry added and tried to help Pippin in his search.

"May you have the joy of the sight, my good dwarf. We cannot stay long here only this night. Tomorrow we will enter Caradhras. Rest now!" Gandalf suggested.

Pippin found the pots and brought them to Sam happily. "You are cooking, we agreed." Pippin said "Wait, we need to start a fire. Merry Let's go gather some wood."

Boromir placed his hand against Pippin's shoulder and stopped him. "It's not safe little ones, we will gather the woods." he said "You never know what secrets this area may hold."

Ethir turned around and followed Boromir "Let me aid you, Lord Boromir?" she offered as she stepped behind him. She could feel that Boromir had still issues with her. They walked deeper down the road and started gathering sticks and branches for the fire.

"You still have issues with me being part of the company Lord Boromir?" she suddenly asked glancing at him.

Boromir sighted and stopped, he looked at her "Lady Ethir, I don't have a personal matter with you. But allowing a woman to follow us, is madness. It will slow us down."

Ethir chuckled "I don't think I will slow you down more than you could Lord Boromir. Anyway, you cannot change now the outcome."

Boromir nodded "That is true my Lady. But I do not agree with this."

"I didn't ask you to agree, after all, Lord Boromir," she concluded.

Then there was only silence. After they gathered the wood, they returned. They placed the wood on the ground. Sam lit the fire. Pans, sausages, and vegetables were brought by the hobbits. The camp slowly came alive, with most sitting around the fire to feel the warmth.

"We'll eat soon. We have missed all of our meals today" Pippin said as he was standing close to Ethir.

Ethir gazed at the food. She paused for a few seconds, thinking about the meal. "I should help with the food. I'll hunt down some more," she announced. She felt the urge tighten her veins. It was weeks since she had not used her blade. She was missing it.

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