The end of all Evil

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It was a winter day in the late afternoon. The area faced the breathtaking sunset. At the end of each seated aisle, jasmine-scented candles hung from naked tree branches. The decoration started from the main halls and covered every corner of Mirkwood. Spread down the aisle were white leaves, as far as the eyes could see, slightly moist so they wouldn't crack when you stepped on them. The group of three looked at each other astonished. Ethir grabbed Legolas's hand and all three drifted off as fast as they could towards the King's throne.

"I hope your father has not submitted to Alaesa's madness?" Ethir quizzed as she was still holding Legola's hand. Legolas cast a fast glance at her, but never responded to her question.

"Lass, you heard the Elf before. The King and Queen. He said..." Gimli said as he followed behind them and was looking at the decoration "The Flowers and the candles make it even worse..."

Finally, they walked into the throne room. The wooden throne stood high as always, the Elvenking was sitting on it. They were expecting his greeting, but none came. Instead, his mouth remained an uncharacteristic grim line amid his stubble. Almost robotically his hand rose to welcome them. Yet, his eyes remained cold without any emotion.

"Ada, are we too late?" were Legola's first words as he stepped closer and tried to reach for his father. He recalled what stated he had left the ElvenKing, but now he looked worse. Even when his mother died, Legolas did not see his father in such a mess.

Thranduil's limbs moved as if some inexperienced person was controlling them remotely and his eyes were wide, looking right at them, but not really. It took him a few long seconds to recognize that before him stood his son, Ethir and Gimli. "Legolas..." he exhaled finally acknowledging his son. He stood up as a sudden and violent blow awoke him from his dream. "Why have you returned?" he uttered with a flat and strong tone "I ordered you to remain away from Mirkwood!"

"We come to aid Mirkwood and his King!" Legolas responded pinning his eyes against his father, almost pointing him out that they had found the answers.

The Elvenking stared at his son as slowly every little hope was restored inside him. They had a lot to talk about and a lot to explain. The danger was not gone and war was upon them. But Alaesa, the minor threat had no longer power over the ElvenKing. "You sought and found the answers!" Thranduil spoke as hope slowly settled in and his pride rose.

Legolas nodded "We have! Alaesa has no power over you or Mirkwood! She cannot harm us any longer..." The Ellon started to narrate his father through the last events. Ethir and Gimli remained a few steps away from the throne, listening to father and son talking.

Suddenly Alaesa appeared from the south and jaunted towards them. Thranduil was already informed of every detail, as well as the bad news of his only granddaughter that she lost her immortality. The king of stone and wood was back. His wrath rose from the deepest part of his heart and went through all his veins awakening him fully. His deadly gaze fell on Alaesa, and his grip rested against his sword.

However, his actions were not as fast, as someone would expect. Ethir had already pulled her blade and pinned Alaesa against the wall. The metal cut through her neck and a few drops of blood fell on the ground. The scene played so fast that no one noted Ethir cornering Alaesa.

"Remove your sword now!" Alaesa hissed in surprise. She never expected to see Ethir returning. She thought her spell was good enough to keep Legola's wife away from Mirkwood. But now here she was, a few inches away from killing her. "I'm the Queen you cannot hurt me!"

Ethir's eyes were blank, her facial expression showed no emotion. She pushed her blade further against Elleth's fair skin. Her darker aura rose like it used to years ago. She tightened her grip on Alaesa and pulled her sword back only to strike her and kill her. Ethir was set to get her revenge and no other thought was there.

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