All things gone right!

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She found the darkness strange, never felt the night that long. When the last light faded to blackness it lit a fire inside her guts. On the bed given to her, laid Legolas. His upper body was nude and bandaged. Ethir had seen Ellon through many emotions, many reactions could she place on his face. Yet, never has she watched him being in pain. And he was wounded for her. He was a 'foolish Ellon', to bring himself into so much trouble.


For her!? He shielded her in his way. It confused her, the way that Ellon protected her. That 'Foolish Ellon' is an amazing mind reader. He would only defend or guard her when the times were right. Today, what happened today? He shielded her. Not letting her burst herself against Haldir. If Ethir would get involved. She would be fearless. She would be worse than Thranduil. Legolas handled the situation powerfully. Yet, he did not offend Haldir in any way. The Ellon was formal and polite. He waited to listen to his point of view. Then he never agreed to any punishment, if it would settle things between them. She had witnessed a different part of Legolas, that drew her deeper into him.

Ethir remained next to him, all night long. Her mind was wheeled into different plots. Strange plots that kept her up all night. One of those plots included the ElvenKing. How Thranduil would react if he was close by witnessing such a scene? His only son and heir to his throne received such brutal punishment. He would slay them all or would he be overwhelmed by Legola's love? Because Legolas had many skills indeed. He was perfect in any possible way. But the way he loved, was filled with such nobility, dignity, and generosity. She was sure, it was not only the way he loved her. He loved his father so deeply too. She noticed it, each time Haldir tried to badmouth Thranduil. He persevered him, without belittling Haldir. Ethir could never act, in such a way. She surely was not royalty, in any way possible. She could be called a fighter, a warrior, anything else than nobility. Yet, Legolas could be a reckless warrior, if needed. And at the same time, he could be formal, and royal.

She envied him. Not in a bad way. She just wanted to be able to adjust herself to new emotions and realities as Legolas could. She wanted to be more, than a 'wicked girl' to him. If they would ever end up to be together, she should be able to stand next to him. By his side, and not be shielded and kept behind him. It damaged her ego and her pride. Honestly, who was she to talk about pride? Legolas could throw his easily, if needed. Just in the name of Love. How much damage did she sustain because of Saruman? Even if it was Legolas, she would never know what the word even meant.

If she had not followed Gandalf, back then. If she never met the fellowship. Where would she be? Surely, their enemy! Or worse! She could already be perished. With no friends, without fights, without finding out about her real family, and more of all without Legolas. That truth made her shiver. Her gaze remained pinned against Legolas. Maybe the Valar took pity on them, and he gave them some positivism.

Her thoughts drifted around like her tired mind like that. It was dawn when she fell asleep next to Legolas. They both slept all day long. Like all the worries of the world had vanished. They were through a long ride. Not only with the war but about their feelings. How close they were to end up hating each other. How close they were to leaving without one another. Until today, everything was just right. They could rest, and sleep.

The next morning, found them both awake and out of bed. They were dressed and having breakfast like everything was all right. Gimli and Tauriel joined them soon. And a few moments later Haldir and his two brothers. It was like a family reunion. No one spoke, for a few long moments. Until Gimli started to talk about Galadriel. It was enough, to have everyone join the talk.

The days went on like that around Lothlórien. Ethir spends most of her time with her uncles. She was told everything she should know about her family. Stories about her mother would always be narrowed around dinner time. Haldir offered Ethir her mother's old position. In case she ever wanted it. He even enlightened her about Mirkwood, if she ever decides to live with Legolas. He told her many times, that bonding with Legolas would not be an easy Task. He was the Prince of Mirkwood. He even suggested, that they should stay in Mirkwood. Thranduil needed his son. And Haldir begged for her forgiveness. And asked her to visit him from time to time.

Ethir assured him, she would discuss it with Legolas; if they would stay in Mirkwood or not. She secretly admitted, that becoming the prince's wife was terrifying her. She would need a lot of help. She could not yet forgive Haldir easily, it would take some time. Legolas, maybe had a big and pure heart. And he forgave him. Yet, Ethir was kind of Unforgiven when it came to serious matters. She agreed, though, that she would visit her uncles a lot.

It was almost the middle of June, they had already stayed one month in Caras Galadhon. Yet, it was time for the company of four to leave. Legolas was torn between going back home and affirming his father about his union with Ethir. And the promise to attend Aragorn's and Arwen's wedding. In the end, his best friend won. And the next day Legolas, Ethir, Gimli, and Tauriel departed to reach Rohan. They were supposed to meet with Faramir and Lady Éowyn there. The pair were also holding their wedding.

Generally, it was a summer filled with weddings. In June, Faramir would wed with Éowyn. Midsummer's Day should be Aragorn's and Arwen's Wedding. And then would they travel back to Mirkwood to talk with the ElvenKing? Legolas wrote to his father. He ensured him everything was all right. That he had talked with Ethir and her uncles. They accepted their union. He promised after the wedding, he and Ethir would visit him and talk things through.

Yet, for now, they had weddings to attend. Old friends meet. And it was time for some happy moments for them and their dear friends.

((Next Chapter: 56))

[last edit: 2017 April]

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More than anything, thank you for taking the time to read this!

Quick Note: This chapter was short! Cannot wait for the next chapter, to meet some old friends. And finally some happy events.

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