The Elven-Queen's Appurtenance

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It was dark. Deep night had fallen and dawn was about to be awoken. There were clear stars and the fast-waning moon would show its rays. A soft breeze blew against their fair skin, softly waking up the pair. Legolas and Ethir had already rested for a few hours. The sleep helped Ethir to regain her sanity. She was no longer overtaken by her anger.

"You have awoken already!" Ellon whispered, his fingers teasing her curls gently.

"The Elvenking will not overlook my behavior! My mind keeps rewinding, every word I said and every action I took." Ethir noted as she lingered against Legolas. His warm embrace was the only thing she needed to reach her senses back.

"I believe you meant it! And you will be unforgiven! Even if Ada chooses to forget, the King would not!" Legolas responded truly. "It does not seem unhopeful, yet you declared war with the Elvenking."

"Are you trying to excite me Legolas!? Announcing war with the Elvenking, could raise my hopes and I would stay in Mirkwood forever to see it done!" she teased him.

"That trail would not turn either right or left! It would only bring you straight, to your doom! Even if it would excite the 'wicked self' of yours! There is no way to win that war!" Legolas ensured her with a smirk on his face. He allowed his imagination to become a bit vivid; fantasizing his Ada and Ethir fighting. He swayed his head in denial, to such a scene.

"You wished Legolas!" Ethir said with an annoyed tone. "Yet, I never asked why was I brought to your chambers?!"

Legolas cast a glance at her, his eyebrows were lifted "There will not be an escape again!" he teased her. "The truth lies in the fact that this is not my room. This is our room. We are supposed to be betrothed. I know it was the worst way to ask you to bond with me. And I shall fix that, today. Yet, that did not change the point, that we are supposed to be promised to each other."

"It sounded like that bond would happen in the far future. And you make it sound like it's already happened." Ethir questioned a bit confused. She lifted herself away from his chest and gazed at him.

"Ethir, the time is unknown. Whenever we sense that we are ready. Yet, we should be recognized as a couple formally. Even if we stay in Mirkwood or if we depart. What are your thoughts? I lately have the urge to stay in Woodland realm." the Ellon confessed.

She blushed "We should be seen as a pair!" she agreed with him. "We should stay in Mirkwood. The truth is I do like traveling. But, I always wished to have a steady home. Legolas, I want to prove to your father, that I am capable of standing on your side. Yet, I will not affirm it in front of him." Ethir said in a soft tone.

"Then we will stay in Mirkwood! And try to figure out our lives. I have to talk with Ada! There are a few things I did not manage to note. You should rest a bit longer. Then try to find a seamstress. Look for Nienna, she can figure out wonders. Ask her for any attire you would wish for. And you can use my bath and the rest of my quarter as yours. In the morning make sure to join us for breakfast. Dinner and breakfast are always eaten with everyone together. You cannot avoid that. Only if there is a valid reason." Legolas explained to her seriously. "And being mad at the Elvenking is not a valid reason! Before you ask!"

"Fine! Fine! I will attend breakfast! Just to be clear, he does not seem to like me either." Ethir complained "I surely will look for Nienna. I need clean clothes and a warm bath!"

It was dark and dim until the sunless dawn reached Mirkwood. Legolas found himself climbing down the stairs and strolling towards the dungeons. He by-passed the dungeons and below, there were the training grounds of the Elvenking. Thranduil spent most of his free time there whenever he felt anxious or grief overwhelmed him. He could lose himself and forget his remorse. If he had not sort of thrown himself around his throne, he would have battled his best men against those training grounds.

The Unforgiven { Legolas x OC - LotR Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now