Alaesa's return

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Author's Note:

As you have noticed, ^_^ I decided to continue the FF. True be told, I completed it in a hurry leaving out parts of the story I wanted to include. Alaesa, the growing darkness of the North, etc. all were added back then for the story to unfold.

Let's give it a try and revive this FF. Please let me know your thoughts and if there are people out there that would want it to go on. ^_^

Note: For those who don't recall. Alaesa was Nienna's daughter. The pretty and greedy one. xD The one that had pushed Ethir into the Enchanted River of Mirkwood. Thranduil had her exiled from Mirkwood.

Disclaimers: I don't own any of the characters, places, names, etc (only the OC). It all belongs to J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson.

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Fourth Age, Third Year October 29

As the light faded to black, the colors of the grass and leaves remained in her mind almost like a fragrance. Her tall silhouette became ever more silvery between the shadows that stretched out. The warmth of the autumn day was quite gone, a markedly unusual in appearance strolled through the ElvenKing's Halls. Only ever present in the shadow lingering and the first bite of midnight it reached inside the bedchambers of Raeves. The young elf drifted deeply asleep and never noticed the present near her. The night sky grew ever more dark. Soon the shadows blended into blackness and any light was less pronounced. Darkness rose out of time, heavy it dwelt tonight. It rested without consequence. Leaves scurried along the path and the breeze became more keen, raising goosebumps all over the kingdom. Everyone felt dark and ill at work. It cost Thranduil to jump from his sleep. Legolas is drawn into it. And Ethir blacked out. There was something in the darkness that was like a promise, like the world before dawn. Something hollow was a secret at work.

When the dawn came, it found everyone awake and baffled. The monochrome at nightfall, was long gone. In the daylight the bright colors came alive, giving fake hope to everyone that it was only a nightmare. The Elvenking sat on his throne after he woke up from the eerie feeling. Loud and steady footsteps were echoed through the Elvenking's halls. The sound increased and it became noticeable. The slender tall figure that was lingering in the shadows, appeared in front of him and revealed itself. The Elleth with white fair skin and long straight Hair stood in the middle of the throne chamber proud ready to confront Thranduil. A few years ago he had cast her out of his Halls and his land. He was sure she would never return.

Thranduil narrowed his eyes, his facial expressions indifferent, his act cold and self-centered as always. "You have found a way in my halls." his gaze dropped heavily against the Elleth. "If I'm not mistaken, you were exiled from my Halls! Yet, here you are, unable to obey the mandate. What drew your boldness upon your return?" the ElvenKing uttered in strong resentment at the Elleth.

"My King, you forget I lived inside those Halls for centuries. I know my way in and out." she-elf responded in a lower tone smirking. She took two more steps closer to the throne as she placed her hand against her long gown "It has been almost 5 years my King. It's time for my return. Time for you to allow me back." Her words are strong and her attitude is aggressive. "You name it boldness, My Lord. I name it bravery."

"Brave were never your actions Alaesa! They were filled with greed and wrongdoings. I suggest you give me a good reason, before your rot in my dungeons." Thranduil voiced crossing his legs and showing his superiority. True be told, he never expected that Alaesa would disobey his order. She was a cunning Elleth, but never powerful enough to face Thranduil's wrath. Until now only one person dared to be foolish enough to stand against the ElvenKing's word. And that was his son's 'Adaneth'. He was inquisitive of her actions.

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