A chaotic Mess of us!

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Author's Note:

Warning: Concepts contained in this chapter include completely confused or disordered events! ^_^

Disclaimers: I don't own any of the characters, places, names, etc (only the OC). It all belongs to J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson.

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The following morning, the imaginative golden sun rose in slow motion. Mirkwood blackness slowly turned into a bright grey. Ethir felt the tapping sunlight against her face. She opened her eyes and blinked trying to get used to the blazing light she was surrounded with. Though, it wasn't the only thing that bothered her. The peace and quiet were disturbed by her thoughts. Something was arriving soon, and all her senses were clearing pointing her to stand up and run towards the Mirkwood gates.

'I'm losing my mind again.' she thought as she flipped under the covers against the floor and stood up. She shook her head, agreeing with herself she would ignore her annoying thoughts. She decided to get dressed and take a small tour towards the entrance. She wore her underwear beneath. Then a black shirt that was made of a thick material to keep her warm. Next, the leather corset made sure to reveal her body line perfectly. Last black Leggings and her leather boots. She placed her blade across her back, inside the case that the leather belt held. She fixed her hair in a high ponytail and wore her long jacket.

Next, she walked through the corridors until she reached the gates of Mirkwood. Ethir hiked for a while with unseeing eyes as if visiting in a distant memory or listening to sounds she had forgotten for a while. The days she spent in Mirkwood, had her already taste a different world of the old one she remembered. She took a few steps crossing the gates, as the guards gave her a bow.

Ethir paused close to the nearest wooden bridge. The autumn leaves, swirling and waltzing as if putting on a grand show, disturb the soundless morning. And the smells, gosh the smells were getting stronger every minute. It smelled like leaves in an earthy kind of way. Also, sour apples, and cinnamon, bury themselves a little deeper in her nose.

The autumn leaves, swirling and waltzing as if putting on a grand show, disturb the soundless morning. Ethir's mind circuits once again as the last day's memories, slowly come back to her. Now, she was fully awake. She yawned and sat up, giving a fast glance at the October fest that nature was hosting. The trees, the leaves, the grass everything was in synchronized harmony.

Her black eyes made the mistake of taking a look further. She noted movements and figures far from the bridge. Ethir was dazed by the light so bright. It couldn't be just the sun that shine so bright. She curled her lips and closed her eyes. She opened her eyes once again, with the dazzling creature appeared clear as the sun hid behind a milky cloud. A fire burned low inside her. She stood in the deepest of her shadows, looking across the light. She strode only then to notice, that he was glancing back at her. That dazzling light seemed not foreign to her. She had seen it again, and it had the same impact on her.

Who was he?

Moments later, it was clear it was a group of elves. 'Odd' she thought as she noticed that a dwarf was following them. 'I know that dwarf! Gimli?' she questioned her memories. Yet, she could clearly remember Gimli. As for the dazzling creature, he seemed so familiar and so unknown at the same time. His face, although fairer and prettier than ever before. Feeling the consequences of her actions, she lowered her gaze and stepped back behind. Bitter knowledge of the confusion that was running through her veins that she could draw attention to a being as bright as him. She cast one more look around her and then flicked her hair. The feelings and actions were repeated. She was sure, she had felt and done that before.

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