An obsolete rival... or possibly not!

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Author's Note:

!In this chapter, Ethir is supposed to meet with Haldir. Yet, my day was so busy, and I was so weary, that I could only write a tiny chapter. Blossoming one more friend! ^_^

Disclaimers: I don't own any of the characters, places, names, etc (only the OC). It all belongs to J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson.

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Ethir and Tauriel, rode deepest of the shadows looking across the darkness towards the greatest barrier between them and the Great forest in Rhovanion. The once-called Adaneth did not plan to pause or rest until they had reached the Golden Wood. They had been still too long for the weather; she stroked her horse in apology. Hengel had rode with her, through many adventures. This time was accompanying her to find the answers she was seeking.

Night dropped like a heavy cloak at the forest by the time, they had extended to the borders of Taur-nu-Fuin. Both females agreed to camp through the night. Ethir gathered the brunches and Tauriel placed a campfire. They sat around the campfire. The night seemed cold, peaceful nevertheless.

"Even with the Dark's Lord Fall, darkness lingers. We drive it off, yet they spread to other lands!" Tauriel noted as she crossed a leg aside the other, and gazed at the opening night. The Elleth decided to talk finally, after a long speechless ride.

"We won the war this time, yet few battles remain. Many orcs have survived, as well as other creatures. Time and a lot of effort will be required to empty your lands." Ethir responded as she leaned against a tree. Her aura seemed cold like all the worries of the world were lying on her shoulders.

Tauriel did not remain silent. She sensed something had changed since she first met with Ethir in the forest. That day, when she saw Legolas with her, her aura seemed more colorful. The 'Adaneth' seemed more alive, and active. Hours later, Tauriel had found out that she was also fearless. She was taken by surprise and beyond, as she heard her utter that she owned 'Legolas's heart'. How brutal her face, was to claim such an outrageous thing in front of the King. Yet, the same day she was departing with a lost spirit. What made her change that much?

"You know quiet, well Legolas?" Tauriel asked curiously about that Adaneth.

"Not as well as you do! You sound like real old friends!" Ethir twisted the question casting a glance over to Tauriel.

"Fair enough!" the Elleth acknowledged "We grew up together. Legolas and I were a few of the youngest Elves in Rhovanion. We played together when we were young elves. We trained as teenagers. And later, I was part of his troops. We are old friends indeed, a friendship that lasted more than centuries. Yet, it was almost lost years ago!"

"You sounded like you knew each other, well enough!" Ethir noted a bit jealous "What happened?"

"Thorin happened, and the dwarfs. Thorin Oakenshield, King under the Mountain marched upon the Lonely Mountain to obtain the Arkenstone and to unite the Dwarves of Erebor. That task needed the great dragon Smaug slew and the Lonely Mountain claimed. Bard the Bowman, slew Smaug with the black arrow, whose falling body crushed the fleeing Master of Laketown. He was chosen as the new leader, and Laketown is still in led by his bloodline. Brad and the ElvenKing united their forces to fight Thorin, who disagreed to share the fortune that was hidden inside the mountain. The mountain King drew close to madness. What they did not reckon was Azog and his Orc party, who suddenly attacked them. Inside the Lonely Mountain, Thorin eventually overcame his madness after a lengthy hallucination. Thorin and company burst out of the Mountain and joined the battle. The orcs lost the battle, that day. Yet, the elves, the humans, and the dwarf lost more than they bargained for. Anyway, it was around that time Legolas and I rebelled against the ElvenKing. I was banned, never to return to Greenwood. Legolas left also." Tauriel paused as she remembered Kili, a tear ran through her cheek.

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