Our family's bonds

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Caras Galadhon, the city was located on a green hill surrounded by a Fosse and a wall whose gates lay to the southwest. The inhabitants dwelt in large felt in the trees, reached by white ladders. The winter was no longer, and spring had already changed by bringing warmer colors and brighter sights to the area. Ethir and Tauriel arrived on the same day in Lothlórien. Haldir welcomed them and made sure both were given a bed chamber. They were offered food and clothing.

Ethir, never forgot the warmth of the streams, the silky feeling of their Elf's soap. She remembered the stream was located South North. She left her belongings inside the chamber. The sword, that Legolas gave her could never replace her blade. Its purpose was to protect her, in case of any attack. Since she was safe now, she simply stored it in her room.

Cithel, the maiden who had helped her the last time, brought soap, clean towels, and a few gowns inside her room. Ethir thanked her. Next, she grabbed one of the gowns and the slippers. She picked up soap and towels. She walked south and turned to the north. Finally, she had reached the streams. She was drained and her brain was still wheeling, with grief and sorrow. She stared at the clean waters. Next, she stripped and put her clothes aside. Ethir grabbed the soap and swam deeper inside the stream. The water touched her skin, softly. The light waves stroked against her. She felt her muscles yank. Every part of her body was softening and relaxing.

She spent all morning bathing and relaxing, in the warm streams of Lórien. It was noon when she returned, wearing a silver gown. Her hair was loose, soft like silk. There was surely something different in use, inside those soaps. Her body felt refreshed and relaxed. Yet, her mind and heart were troubled. Before reaching the fountain's main area, she stumbled against Haldir. Who was looking for her?

"Ethir, are you restful and peaceful, to talk? Long have we delayed, our conversation." the Marchwarden of Lothlórien said, as he sat his back to a great tree.

There was a cool hour for a brief space, before Ethir answered, "My body is rested, my mind is troubled. I am not sure if it will ever find peace. Yet, we have had to talk. Haldir, tell me my parent's story. I need to hear all the details." she asked him, almost begged him.

The Ellon signed her to sit down. His story was long, and it would be full of surprises. He started the tale about her father. Most of it, Ethir already knew. "Aldar crossed paths with your mother, in Mirkwood. I am not sure, what part of his evilness captivated her. But it surely was not his pureness. I do not know a lot about their story in Mirkwood, but after they escaped, they hid in the mouth of Anduin. As I told you before, you were born there. A few years after your birth, I returned to visit your parents and I found their graves and you were taken." he narrowed her through the story.

Ethir leaned against the tree that was behind her "I already know that part of the story. What about my mother? Why did they escape from Mirkwood? Was the ElvenKing after them? How did they die?" So many questions arose.

Haldir gazed at her confused, after so many questions. It was a brief moment, he could see his sister in Ethir's actions. Having so many questions, meant that something was bothering her. The only aid he could offer her for now, was to tell her the truth. "Those questions are the hardest to be answered. Yet, I will bring your agony to an end. Maybe, I should have told you, when we first met. The question about your mother will be answered last. There is a true hiding, I cannot bring myself to admit it." Ellon pauses to take a deep breath. "They had to escape because Sauron was after them. The Elvenking had no reason to haunt them"

Ethir tilted her head as her heart was beating faster. She was not sure what Haldir was trying to tell her. Thranduil should be after them. "Wait! One second, I was told that my father killed Thranduil's wife. They should be running for their lives?" she quizzed. Her eyes were wide open, and her attention was all turned against Haldir.

The Unforgiven { Legolas x OC - LotR Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now