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3019, January 13

"How long until we reach the other side, Gandalf?" Frodo asked the wizard. While everyone needed to get the journey over as quickly as possible and were willing, tired as they were, to go on marching still for several hours.

Gandalf was in front as before. In his left hand, he held up his glimmering staff, the light of which just showed the ground before his feet; in his right, he held his sword. "It's a four-day journey to the other side. Let us hope that our presence may go unnoticed," he responded.

Behind him came Gimli, his eyes glinting in the dim light as he turned his head from side to side. He was still sad about the death of his Kin. Though, he couldn't deny his attention over the Mines.

"The wealth of Moria was not in gold or jewels, but Mithril." Gandalf tilted his staff down towards a pit.

Merry seemed confused "Mithril?"

"Mithril is a precious silvery metal, which is mined by the Dwarves in the deep mines of Khazad-dûm. It's very lightweight but capable of providing extreme strength." Gimli explained proudly, as he was talking about his kin.

Behind Sam went Legolas and after him Ethir, the young hobbits, and Boromir. In the dark at the rear, grim and silent, walked Aragorn. Ethir would pause from time to time and let the Elf advance. Although it seemed she had noticed the Elf wasn't drawn by her darkness, as before. It seemed when it was night or dark, Legolas had no issue being close to her. But that wasn't the only thing she noticed. The Elf, who walked in front of her, was more dazzling than before. She felt losing her balance from time to time.

The path twisted round a few turns and then began to descend. It went steadily down for a long while before it became level once again. The fellowship was walking for hours inside the minds. The air changed slightly it became colder and heavier, as they followed Gandalf. Few seemed bothered by the darkness. Though Gimli and Legolas had no issue. The Mines of Moria were vast and intricate beyond the imagination of Gimli. Ethir had no issue with the darkness, but she couldn't see clearly. At least the dazzle Elf was useful, providing some light.

It was after nightfall when they had entered deeper into the Mines. They had been going for several hours with only brief halts when Gandalf came to his first serious check. Before him stood a wide dark arch opening into three passages. "I have no memory of this place at all!" said Gandalf, standing uncertainly under the arch.

Seemed that all three paths led in the same general direction, eastwards. Though the left-hand passage plunged down, while the right-hand climbed up, and the middle way seemed to run on, smooth and level but very narrow. The wizard was confused. "I am too weary to decide. And I expect that you are all as weary as I am, or wearier. We had better halt here for what is left of the night." he suggested. And honestly, everyone liked the idea. They were walking for too long. They needed some rest.

Merry and Pippin didn't wait at all, they went over a stone door and found shelter. They sat there, searching their backpack for food. Gandalf placed his stick in the center, giving some extra light to everyone. He sat close to the paths, trying to remember which one was the correct to take.

Aragorn sat beside Boromir. He gazed up to Boromir saying "Hmm. He'll remember the way soon."

"I'm not sure anymore. We should never pass through, Moria, but we did anyway. We should never take a woman with us, but we did that too. And now we are lost, but we don't admit it." Boromir whined.

"Have faith, Gandalf will have the answer soon." the Ranger answered.

Though he was interrupted as Ethir stepped closer glaring at Boromir. "You are still complaining about that. You should get over it." She voiced up loudly.

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