Elven Brooch

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The night was young, as Legolas, Aragorn, and Gimli scrambled in this bony land, climbing to the crest of the first and tallest ridge, and down again into the darkness of a deep winding valley on the other side. They were tracking the Uruk-Hai, hoping to save the hobbits and Ethir. There in the still cool hour before dawn, they rested for a brief space. No sleep or food, just an hour to rest their feet. They have been climbing and running all day long. They found few hints, though still they were not sure if they could reach the Uruk-Hai in time.

"Which way would they turn, do you think?" said Legolas, as they noticed that the trail had descended into the valley, though it had vanished.

Aragorn responded "Let us search northwards! After we take a brief rest!" He walked once more to where the trail had ended to check it one more time.

Gimli sat down, leaning against a tree. He didn't complain, he needed the rest. Legolas, stood a few steps away, gazing down the valley, scanning the area with his Elfish eyes. He didn't find anything. His mind was busy, as he was still processing the information Aragorn told them. The 'wicked' girl, a bloodline of Sauron. His brain froze from time to time. Half of his elfish brain was searching for any sign that she would be all right. She had to be all right. Though the other half is spaced out. His pulse pounded in his temples, refusing to accept the truth that was spoken to him. The inky darkness ... She... Engulfed the frail light... him. Now only silence lingered in the air.

He sighed. The elf found himself, being the same as years ago. He thought he had changed. He was not the same Elf. He accepted people, not based on their race or bloodline, but based on their actions and character. Like with Aragorn and Gimli. He even accepted Ethir as a friend, even if he felt her darkness. But what had changed now? Just because Sauron Blood has been part of her. His head was buzzing with possibilities, confusing him. Legolas was never tempted or confused. It was not the way Elves functioned. He decided to hide his worries, for now at least. Their priority was to find Ethir and the hobbits.

Meanwhile, the Uruk-Hai had also stopped. Orcs emerged. One called Grishnakh said "You're late. Our master grows impatient. He wants the Shire-rats now and the traitor."

Mauhur, Uruk-hai Captain (with Lurtz's death), said "I don't take orders from Orc-maggots. Saruman will have his prize. We will deliver them."

Few of the Uruk-hai members were carrying the hobbits and Ethir. They stopped as their Captain was talking with the orcs. Ethir was only then slowly coming back to reality. The blow in her head was hard enough, she was unconscious for a day. Pippin was trying to talk to Merry as he seemed to faint. Pippin begged for some water. They gave Merry something to drink. It was not water, though he opened his eyes. Merry tried to ensure Pippin that he was all right.

Ethir opened her eyes widely. He gazed at Pippin and Merry. Then she found herself tight up and carried in the back of a Uruk-Hai. 'That smell ewww!' was the first thought that passed her mind. Then she found out that her legs weren't tied up. She cracked a smile, as hope rose in her. She didn't wait any longer. She suddenly, put all her force against her legs and spun and landing against the back of Uruk. She balanced against his back, climbing higher and moving her upper body. Then she unplugged her arms around him. She sprang into the air and landed on the ground.


The Uruk-hai noted the sound and turned. Ethir had been already on her feet. She shook her head, as she felt dizzy. The impact against the ground was harsh, and the early hit on her head wasn't helping either. She raised her arms ready to fight, as Pippin and Merry looked at her.

"Merry, Pippin hang in there! We're leaving!" she shouted loudly glaring at the Uruk-Hai.

The Uruk member that was carrying her, stepped up. He tried to catch her wrist. But Ethir stepped back and unleashed a double kick, sending the creature to crush next to Mauhur. Everyone had now her attention. Mauhur cast a deadly look at the Uruk at his feet. He hissed and strolled over, to where Ethir was. The rest of the Uruk-Hai, stepped back as their Captain showed up.

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