Farewell to Lorien

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February 16, 3019

That last night the nine were summoned for one last time to the chamber of Celeborn, there the Lord and Lady greeted them with fair words. At length, Celeborn spoke of their departure. "Now is the time, " he said, "when those who wish to continue the Quest must harden their hearts to leave this land."

Suddenly, silence filled the chamber.

All nine spaced out, remembering, the last month. It has been a month (a long, difficult month), since the fellowship stepped foot in Lothlórien. They found both a forest and elven realm, that would stay in their memory for a long time. The Magic of the Lady of Light enriched the land and made it a magic forest into which evil could not enter without difficulty. That made the land and their people live in safety. But that wasn't the only verified fact, that made the Golden Wood admirable. The Light, the Elves, the Trees; all were synchronized to reveal life at the highest level possible.

The group of nine had the opportunity to live in the majestic land of Caras Galadhon (Lothorien's Capital). To see the Golden colors of the Blossom land. To walk in the Land of the Valley of Singing Gold. An experience that changed them for the better. It was a small break from the enormous task they had accepted. However, nothing lasts forever. And it was time again to take their leave to Mordor. To destroy the ring and fulfill their quest.

"They all resolved to go forward, " said Galadriel gazing into their eyes.

Boromir said, "My way home lies onward and not back!" Although, he felt the safety in the lands of Lorien. The glory of the Elves. There was a dark part that was haunting his mind. 'The Ring!' Honestly, the Captain of the White Tower never wished to summon the ring. But the ring had a will of its own. Night, after night it would corrupt his dreams. Dwell him in darker thoughts, reminding him to wish to own it.

What saved him? Where the long hours Aragorn spoke with him. And the hours he was dragged along to help with the training. Because it seemed that what Ethir had started. It changed with the time. And all nine started to show up around the training grounds of Lorien. Others showed up to help, others to spar and others to train. Even Ethir who was supposed to learn a few more things, ended up aiding others.

Boromir thoughts were cut off, as Celeborn spoke "Is all this Company going with you to Minas Tirith?"

"We have not decided our course. Beyond Lothlurien I do not know what Gandalf intended to do. Indeed, I do not think that even he had any clear purpose." Responded the Ranger. He was lost in his own memories. Lothlurien reminded him much of Arwen. Maybe the peace and quiet, made his loneliness seem longer than other times. He never denied a spar, as he also showed around the training area. Every morning, he would find himself walking towards those parts. Late at night the long talks with Boromir kept him busy. Busy, so he wouldn't get lost in his own grief.

"On which side will you journey?" Celeborn asked as he waited for an answer. The Prince of Doriath, was positively surprised when he found out that the training grounds were once again busy. Haldir noted him, the day after Ethir asked him to train her. He allowed them to have access in the forgotten training area. Actually, he was partially happy, to see once again the north parts full of life and sounds. He never expected, that Haldir's denial to assist Ethir with further training, would have such an outcome.

"If my advice is heeded, it will be the western shore and the way to Minas Tirith. But I am not the leader." Answered Boromir.

Aragorn looked doubtful and troubled. While the rest looked at each other waiting for him to decide.

"I see that you do not yet know what to is not my part to choose for you; but I will help you as I may. There are some among you who can handle boats: Legolas, whose folk know the swift Forest River; and Boromir of Gondor; and Aragorn the traveler." Explained Celeborn.

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