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The Riders of Rohan flew from Edoras. Everyone was getting ready to take their leave. The Rohirrim were about to ride to Dunharrow. Aragorn and Éowyn exited the stables.

"You ride with us?" the ranger asked the lady of Rohan.

Éowyn explained as she was pulling the reins of her horse "Just to the encampment. It's tradition for the women of the court to farewell the men."

Aragorn paused to gaze at the saddle on her horse, he uncovered a sword that was hidden there. In Éowyn's saddle. She pushed his hand away and covered it with a blanket. "The men have found their captain, they will follow you into battle, even to death. You have given us hope." She added very seriously.

The hobbit, keeping his sword close stepped next to Théoden King. "Excuse me. I have a sword. Please accept it." Merry offered as he knelt in front of him. "I offer you my service, Theoden King."

Theoden helped Merry to his feet. "And gladly I accept it. You shall be Meriadoc, esquire of Rohan." The king replied.

Legolas and Gimli were also prepared to depart. "Horsemen, hmph! I wish I could muster a legion of Dwarves, fully armed and filthy." the dwarf noted.

The elf said "Your kinsmen may not need to ride to war. I fear, war already marches on their lands." He paused and looked for Ethir. They have not spoken at all. Like both were avoiding to talk to each other. Each for their reasons.

Théoden King announced, "So it is before the walls of Minas Tirith, that the doom of our time will be decided."

"Now is the hour, Riders of Rohan, oaths you have taken! Now, fulfill them all! To Lord and Land!" Éomer added as everyone had leaped on their horses and were ready to leave.

Ethir rode her mare, as far away from Legolas as she could. Her emotions were confused. She could name her feelings. She preferred to ignore them. It would be better to ignore them. Suddenly Éomer cut her thoughts, to talk with her.

"My Lady, will you follow us into battle?" Éomer quizzed her as he rode next to her.

Ethir turned towards him "That I will my Lord!" she responded.

"You are not scared of war my lady. You ride without fear! It will be an honor, to ride with you into battle!" Éomer honestly informed her. He looked at the woman next to him. That looked a bit different than she used to.

"Are you really, My Lord! Your mind has changed. When we first met, you chose to keep me tight up, because I was a spy. Now you place your trust in me." She spoke her mind without worries.

Éomer found her strong enough, to speak her mind openly. "I have to admit, I was wrong! Yet, I did not know what I could think. I woman being with the Orcs, we thought it ill news of this dark day." he explained.

Ethir nodded at him not saying anything else. Her gaze paused on Éowyn "Your sister, will fight with us? I see your mind has changed a lot, my lord!"

Éomer glanced at her seriously "I do not wish to see my sister fight! Just to the encampment!"

"I will disagree my Lord. We should get as much help as we can!" Ethir added seriousness.

"I can allow from the royal bloodline to be lost. If we do not win the battle. Someone has to stay back for our people!" he shouted.

"What people my Lord? If the evil wins! In which world will you leave your sister? Will she be saved? Let her ride with us! She should be allowed, like any one of your men!" Ethir replied and rode in front.

Legolas kept gazing above his shoulder. His heart seemed a bit heavy and strange. She could not stop staring at Ethir talking with Éomer. 'Why were they taking so long!' His mind was riled by strange ideas. Gimli tapped his shoulder, finding that the elf had a few new worries on his shoulder.

Théoden and Aragorn rode through the encampment at Dunharrow, surveying Rohan's army. Their army had settled, they were getting ready for the battle.

"Grimbold, how many?" Théoden King asked as he was standing next to the ranger.

"I bring five hundred men from the Westfold, my Lord," Grimbold answered to his King. "We have three hundred more from Fenmarch."

"Where are the riders from Snowbourn?" King asked again.

"None has come, my Lord," he replied

Théoden said with a fatal gaze "Six thousand spears. Less than half of what I'd hoped for."

"Six thousand will not be enough to break the lines of Mordor," Aragorn said, knowing what they should expect.

"More will come." Théoden ensured him.

"Every hour lost hastens Gondor's defeat. We have till dawn. Then we must ride." the ranger suggested.

"The horses are restless, and the men are quiet." the elf spoke with an annoyance in his voice.

"They grow nervous in the shadow of the mountain," Éomer said. He looked at Legolas, not understanding why he was looking at him angrily.

"That road there, where does that lead?" The dwarf wanted to know.

"It is the road to the Dimholt; the door under the mountain," Legolas explained to his friend.

"None who venture there ever return. That mountain is evil." Éomer responded.

"Aragorn, let's find some food," Gimli said.

The night was finally there. Everyone was uneasy for the next day.

((Next Chapter: 38))

[last edit: 2017 April]

Yallume == At last

More than anything, thank you for taking the time to read this!

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