The Enchanted River of Mirkwood

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A hundred years ago (or even longer) the stone bridge was built with skill and precision by the Elves. It was created by the Elves to ensure their passing across the Enchanted River towards the Elven Halls of Mirkwood. Each block was square and perfectly laid, the arches were mathematical semi-circles, and along the edges was a balustrade of stone carved into dome-topped pillars. Anyone who would cross the bridge could only marvel at such ingenuity. No one had the skills to build a bridge of stone like that. Expect the Elves. Even if the bridge was broken and seemed forgotten by time and men, it still revealed its glory.

Ethir's gaze was pinned against the bridge as she crossed the bridge with Legolas. The Ellon dragged her out at dawn after they bonded to breathe fresh air and have a walk. As dawn made itself perceptible to the eye, Legolas piggybacked Ethir on his shoulder and out of his bed chamber. He sneaked out of the Elven Halls without anyone noticing. As he did, when he was a young Elfing to escape from the Elvenking's Halls. Ethir wrapped her arms around him, holding tight against him. They both were lightly dressed. Ethir wore back the old robe of Legolas. He wore his tunic and leggings. The bridge was a marvel of stone. It spanned the river a few lanes long and 12 yards wide and looked like it just got beamed down from outer time.

Upon the forest bridge laid trees of yesteryear, fallen in storms long forgotten. The seasons have been harsh, stripping away the bark and outer layers, yet rendering them all the more beautiful. The forest seemed much alive, yet a strange mist and darkness were overfilling it. The forest that was once so alive and colorful now emitted a darkness that could chill even an evil soul. The trees that sheltered so many with their spreading canopy of green and provided so much were now scary and dark. This reality was cruel enough for the Elves since darkness could affect them. How could they survive that? Ethir questioned, but she could not think of any answer.

She leaned and rested her head against Legolas' shoulder, as the Ellon crossed the bridge and followed the stream. Her mind wheeled around puzzling thoughts. Even now, that she and Legolas were bonded something was missing. She was supposed to be an Elleth or at least half of that. She should even have some of Dark Lord Sauron's blood running inside her. Yet, she felt only lost and weak, like a human. Indeed she has lost part of herself, the day Sauron falls. Her darkness was lost. That affected her balance. Her Fëar was a total mess too. True be told, her Fëar was never fully awoken. Even her bond with Legolas was halfway done. Ethir noted that there was something wrong, but she could not name it. As for Legolas, he had figured it out. Yet, the Ellon could not aid her. Awaking her Fëar and connecting with it, could only be accomplished by Ethir. He could guide her and explain to her. But the path she had to cross to reach herself, could only be walked by her.

The river ran under the bridge and winded through the forest, welcoming anyone that would come its way. It was part of this place, integral to life, yet also a thing unto itself. The river was always flowing, taking its willing passengers onward to the great dark journey and beyond. At the edges, it tempted the rich soil to join the cool waters just as much as the humble leaf litter that lay on top. The stream flowed fast and strong but not very wide right across the way, and it was black, or looked it in the gloom. Ethir spaced out, blankly gazing at the black waters. It seemed as if she was almost lured by the cold and black waters.

Suddenly, Legolas paused and let her step against the ground. The leaves in the wind were performing a dark melody, carefree and joyful. Their colors sang to the dawn of the sky and the grey grass below. The leaves that already had fallen against the ground would feel like paper under their bare feet, yet shine and soft like green grass. Gravity pulling, air pushing and her just along for the ride. As Legolas turned her to face him, demanding her attention. Wanting her to dive just right in, and follow his lead. His arm wrapped around her back, slowly pulling her towards him. He had found his 'wicked girl', beautiful and unique. He inclined and bent from his vertical position towards her. His warm elfish lips touched against her frozen ones. He was sure only of one thing, how much he loved the one between his arms. Why does Valar, allow him so much happiness?

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