Dawn of the East

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3019, March 4

"Aragorn, pull back to the gate!" Théoden King cried out in a loud voice. After the wall expanded by force and noise because of the rapid decomposition (that Saruman had created), they could no longer remain below.

"Am Marad! Nan barad! Haldir! Nan barad!" (To the Keep! Pull back! Haldir! Pull back!) the ranger cried out. Haldir, who was still fighting, nodded. He informed the others.

All around was nothing but violence and corpses, a blur blood of color, and vicious motion. Those who were still alive started to retreat to the keep. Gimli was dragged away by two Elves. He was struggling and complaining, wanting to keep fighting. They had already warned him several times, though he was devoted to fighting the Uruks. Legolas, Aragorn, and Haldir were making sure that everyone was following.

Ethir was still fighting next to Haldir. Deafening, the blood pounded each time she slid and stuck her blade in quick twirls of her blade. Each time her main blade would withdraw, her dagger would replace it with another cut. Blood was jetting from wound to wound, and cut to cut. Waves of blood were poured and oozed on the rainy ground. Most of it wasn't hers. She was in fighting mode. Her attire and her body were covered with dirt, blood, and mud. Every muscle in her body was stiff. Her mind wheeling what should her next strike be.

Haldir yelled loudly, her name many times to catch her attention. Suddenly, a Uruk-Hai was about to strike Ethir from behind. When Ethir noted it, it was already too late. Yet, Haldir appeared behind her pushing Ethir out of the way and the blow was inflicted against his back. He tried to defend himself only to be cut one more time. Everything went down too fast. Ethir, turned, sliding the Uruk that hit him first. And before the next would strike Aragorn prevented it.

Haldir fell on his knees like life was stolen away from him. Aragorn, caught him in his arms as his head reached the ground. Only, then does Ethir end her violent cycle of attacks and walk next to them. She also knelt beside Haldir worried. Haldir took a last look towards Ethir. He lifted his arm like he wanted to touch her face. Then he lost consciousness. Aragorn, placed his fingers against his neck, making sure he was dead.

Ethir closed her eyes. Dying to save her, felt wrong. Her death meant nothing. She felt a few tears floating down her face, only to clean some of the orc's blood. She refused to open her eyes and see one more of the people she thought dear, to be dead. And this time it was her fault. The Uruks were close enough for the next attack. A few more elves come to their captain's rescue.

"He is not dead!" Aragorn said, giving hope to everyone.

The elves carried Haldir's body as they were withdrawing to the Keep. Aragorn grabbed Ethir from her arm and pulled her back. She refused to follow. Her eyes were pinned against the enemy. She wanted them dead. She wanted to cut them. She glared at them. Her darkness spread like never before. Though, Aragorn didn't release her. He pulled her forcefully. There was no point fighting so many Uruk-Hai.

Haldir was moved inside, few elves went with him. They were not sure how severe his injuries were. Ethir was drawn between fighting or helping him. She should be out fighting with the others. Though, she was worried about Haldir. Not only because of his wounds. She feared the blade that inflected the injuries was poisoned. Before even saying anything, Aragorn signed her to follow them. For once in her life she refused to fight, as she was worried about someone's life. The king, with his men, tried to defend the breaking gate. Aragorn ran to the gate, to assist them. Now, that her anger had rested, she remained behind with Haldir.

Théoden cried out "Hold them!"

Aragorn, standing next to the king asked, "How long do you need?"

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