Unveiled & Awaken

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The scene was quite unbelievable, shocking really. Her mind was sent reeling, unable to comprehend or process the images it was being sent by her eyes. She was awake now gazing at the enormous ceiling above her. Ethir cursed her name and existence. She ate, drank, and slept surrounded with all the comfort that Lothlórien could provide her. And miles away her child was in danger. Her fingers grabbed against the silk sheets and she pinned her fingernails against it. Her wounds were still sore and she felt she could sleep for ages. However, she was on a mission to summon aid. And here she was missing her time. Anger moved all over her veins as she leaped from the bed only to land face-to-face with Haldir.

"You drugged me!" she yelled loudly shifting her body to withstand her balance "Haldir, How could you!" Her words were few and cold as she faced away and started gathering her belongings. "I should never come here. I should reach Gondor for aid..." she mumbled to herself.

"Even with Sauron gone, you know there are strong and old evil wanders. You already encountered two troops of orcs. You wished I would allow you to be perished." Haldir spoke softly as he rested his palm against her shoulder and turned her around. "Rested and healed, you will be able to focus consistently, as long as you maintain serenity."

Ethir sighed as she understood his point of view. "I was temerarious all my life. Haldir you know this time my reason is solid. Raeves. I cannot..." his stubborn niece felt her eyes tear up and watery fluid continually secreted ran down her face. She was holding back all her emotions for so long. She suffered from disturbing thoughts since she left Mirkwood. She was incompetent in aiding Raeves. She felt vulnerable and no one could hash her worries. "What kind of mother forsakes and forgets her children... for a warm bed and meal..."

Her words were cut as the Marchwarden of Lórien wrapped his arms around her "Hash! Your actions alone prove how dear you think of your children. I apologize for delaying your journey. You needed to rest and stand on your feet nonetheless."

Ethir pulled apart for a few long moments inside Haldir's arms. It was a few of the times she had felt her uncle comforting her and protecting her. After her outbreak, she cleaned her tears and stepped back. It was clear she was not fully healed and she was still hurting. But that did not bother her at the moment. "We lingered enough. Permit our leave!"

This time Haldir agreed with her. Soon both had gathered their belongings and weapons, mounted their horses, and rode from Lorien to reach the White City. This time Ethir did not camp or stop. She wished to reach Gondor as fast as she could. Beat by beat her heart became heavier. She could feel Legolas' sorrow and grief through their bond. Something savage and severe troubled the Prince of Mirkwood and Ethir did not know what.

Meanwhile, inside the Tower Halls, the old friends had reunited. The King of Gondor wore a troubled expression. Around his eyes were laughter lines in just the right amount. Supposed that he was often ecstatic, but at that moment he was pernicious and earnest. He had the same deep brown eyes that showed how agitated he was. Legolas face split into the grin he had imagined him to wear often. However, lately, it has disappeared. Heavier were his days and rough his nights. Yet, seeing his trusted friends once more hope rose inside him. Specially, when he finally verified that Gandalf was there.

The company of four talks for few long ours. Gandalf verified Legola's fears and explained that something was growing in the northern parts of Mirkwood. The white wizard did not want to get into any details. Yet, he revealed that Thranduil should already know what was haunting his lands. The next subject arose when Legolas told Gandalf about Raeves. The wizard found it wise that they brought the children to Minas Tirith. Now, he asked to discern the little lady and decipher what was causing her such illness.

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