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Young she was and yet not so. The braids of her dark hair were touched by no frost, her white arms and clear face were flawless and smooth, and the light of stars was in her bright eyes, gray as a cloudless night; yet queenly she looked, and thought and knowledge were in her glance, as of one who has known many things that the years bring. —The Fellowship of the Ring, "Many Meetings"

Arwen, fairest of the Children of Ilúvatar, resembles Lúthien of the First Age who would never again appear in Middle-earth. The younger sister of Elladan and Elrohir. The name 'Ar-wen' meant 'Noble Maiden'. She lived most of her life in her homestead in Imladris or Lothlórien with her grandparents. Lady Galadriel of Lórien was her grandmother. From her mother, she inherited the Elfstone. As a Half-Elf she shared the right of her father to choose her fate. The time has arrived for the Evenstar to decide her fate.

Arwen was on her way, along with a group of elves, to take the ship for the Grey Havens. Leaving behind what she loved most. She rode her horse down the wooded path. Her father's words could be still heard in her mind. 'There is nothing for you here, only death.'

Arwen stopped. She was sitting on her horse. A blue velvet coat with a hoodie covered her face and body. Then on the far vision of the forest, she noted a young boy in a white shirt, running past the elves. The boy seemed familiar. Seconds later, his father appeared. A Grey-Haired man, who looked like Aragorn. He ran towards the boy. Aragorn picked him up in his arms and spun him around. They seemed happy. The boy looked at Arwen. Then, she noticed the boy was wearing her Evenstar pendant. A tear floated down her cheeks. Arwen turned around and rode back to Rivendell. She chose to live a mortal life.

At Rivendell, Arwen approached Elrond "Tell me what you have seen!?"

Elrond was taken by surprise to see his daughter back "Arwen! I looked into your future and I saw death."

"But there was also life. You saw there was a child. You saw my son." Arwen questioned him in earnest. To lose Aragorn, maybe she could try to live with that thought. Notwithstanding that, their son would never be born.

"But that future is almost gone." her father turned away from her.

"But it is not lost!" she said with a softer tone.

"Nothing is certain," he added.

Arwen knelt before Elrond. Her soft hands resting on her lap. "Some things are certain! If I leave him now, I will regret it forever. It is time."

Moments later the shard of Narsil is being examined by her as her thoughts rill.

'From the ashes, a fire shall be woken

a light from the shadows shall spring

renewed shall be Blade that was broken

The crownless again shall be King'

The human life span very rarely exceeds 100 years. Aragorn could live longer as he was a Dúnedain. Even so, it was not immortality. Lord Elrond, did not want Arwen to have such a fate. How was it possible to choose a mortal life, when you could have immortality? Yet, the answer was easy. Arwen preferred a mortal life and being with the one she loved, than to remain immortal and alone. She had her father, her brothers, her family and friends. But Aragorn was her answer to every question. She never doubted, herself. Even when Aragorn would step back and let her take the journey with her people. Even then, she was sure of what she wanted. And she was sure how to help Aragorn. Like a Queen should help her King.

Those fatal feelings she had for the Ranger could not end until her body ceased to function and her soul was released for the Grey Havens. She knew they were embedded in her elf soul, that their love could endure. Even in these dark days, where the war of the ring was still burning. Her love for him rode underneath it all, keeping her mind sinking into the mire of the darkness, that was increasing around them. She knew Aragorn would be King, and she should be by his side. Yet, even if he never accepted to become King. Arwen would stay on his side.

Although, the darkness of Sauron, caused her to faint little by little. Her heart remained true. That darkness was like an unseen, unheard, silent killer. Like a pain that was too much to cope with, too hard to deal with, and never be understood. However, the feeling of loss of hope, and courage, had never vanished. A promise was given by her, that was stronger than any sworn oath.

'Beloved one I won't let another tear fall alone.

I won't ever leave you on your own.

I will be there at the end of your road.

I will be your courage, hope, and truth.'

"Reforge this Sword... Ada (father)," she suggested. The book that she was holding dropped from her hands. Elrond knelt before Arwen and felt her hands.

"Your hands are cold. The life of the Eldar is leaving you," he said worriedly. Watching his child die even if it's more than 2700 years old can still cause grief. And Elves were not like humans. Grief and evil can cause them to faint.

"This was my choice. Adar (father), whether by your will or not, there is no ship now that can bear me hence," she concluded.

The Narsil of Narsil was finally forged in Rivendell. It was time for the King to return.

((Next Chapter: 37))

[last edit: 2017 April]

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