Haldir's Outburst

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The blue sky vanished between the mallorn trees, that were dancing to the sounds of the forest. The sun rays were less bright, revealing that the day had grown old. After their overwhelming 'encounter', Legolas and Ethir were finally striding back. Their declaration of Love hours earlier seeped into their blood and paralyzed their brain. Silence rose against their skin like poison. But each had fallen inside their silence.

Ethir's face was one of awkwardness, not even hurrying to save her feelings, to fill the void with a nonstatement of appreciation. The void was a cruelty she inflicted unintentionally, but had she been aware she would not have cared one iota. Not because, she was indifferent or fell out of love. That was not the case. She was in love, deeply and madly in love with that 'annoying Ellon'. Yet, reality kept reminding her that such a union would still be difficult. He was a noble Ellon, royal even. And she was just a messed up 'half-Elleth'. To place in an even state as to claim, part of her was the bloodline of Haldir; a Nandor (only a half-one), and the rest of her was Sauron's Bloodline. She picked her eyes off the gravel with the weariness of one who is fatigued with the seriousness. She was dragging her legs through the solid ground, as her mind wheeled on.

The silence caressed Legola's skin like a cool spring breeze, smoothing his soul, and taking away his jagged edges. It had been one hell of a rough day. And it would not get any better. Loving Ethir was the easy part, finding a way to be together was the hard one. The Ellon had to talk with Haldir as soon as possible. It was the hardest task, he ever overtook. He shivered only at the idea, to tell the Marchwarden of Lothlórien the truth. The difficult part was not to admit that he loved her. That was the easy part. Legolas knew where his heart lay. He was not scared, to confess his deepest thoughts. What was troubling him, was their bond! Haldir would never allow his niece to take off with an Ellon on an unknown adventure. And Legolas, could not promise anything for now. He had not talked to Ethir, to see where she was standing. He had not talked to his father. He was not sure if he would end up following his path as the prince of Mirkwood or the path of a lost warrior traveling realm after realm.

The silence of the waiting made her blood as cold as the autumnal air. Bereft of any wind the leaves outside hung limp until they fell of their own accord, there was no whispering noise or rustling. She could feel the uneasiness in the air, as much as Legolas could. They were almost reaching the main area, and their minds were troubled and confused.

"Lle desiel? (Are you ready?)" Legolas suddenly paused and asked her. His slender elfish figure stood straight facing her. "Amin dele ten' lle! (I am worried about you!) Amin merna quen lle. (I wish to speak with you.)"

Ethir stopped and turned towards him "Amin nowa ikotane! (I think so!)" she admitted honestly. "Manka lle merna! (If you wish!)" she added.

Legolas stepped closer and wrapped his arms around her, letting her rest against his chest "Melamin! (My love!)" he whispered under his breath "There are few things about Elves you may not know."

Ethir cut him off "You are worried about Haldir!" she spoke at once. She lifted her eyes and gazed at him "Honestly, I am glad I have family Legolas. But Haldir's opinion, will not affect mine." she blurred out.

"Ethir we have to deal with other obstacles first, Haldir and Ada are the last of those," Ellon explained as he rested his arms still around her.

"Right, Thranduil. For a second I forgot about him!" she said in annoyance. "Legolas, I know. We are not living in a tale. You are the ElvenKing's son, and even bonding with me sounds like a bad joke. Even if we could find a way to unite. I don't believe that either, Haldir or Thranduil would allow it. And, I am a wicked soul. I would never obey. Yet, I cannot ask you to drag yourself in anything like that." Ethir clarified.

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