The King of Stone and Wood

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The ruler of Mirkwood was resting against the wooden and stoned-crafted throne with a face of utter nonchalance as if he were merely waiting for the night to pass. In his long years never was he forced out of his night chambers in such a way. He was not slumped at all, his body was muscular enough, yet it was just as relaxed as his face. He was almost hissing - hissing as if something bad was about to happen. To rescue his peace, he had to withdraw far from his chamber that night. Since his only son, decided to make sure everyone around the royal chambers would hear his bonding with the 'Adaneth'.

The world could fall through his feet. He was the Elvenking of the dense and heavy woodland that made up much of the eastern portion of Rhovanion. He was the ruler of the natural land including the northern part of the forest. The Mountains of Mirkwood, even the Forest River, that ran from the Grey Mountains down to Long Lake and the smaller river that ran from the Mountains of Mirkwood to join with the Forest River west of the Elvenking's Halls. This smaller river was enchanted to such an extent that it caused slumber and forgetfulness to anyone who fell into it. He was the sovereign of the Great Forest in Rhovanion.

Everyone and everything bowed to his will. He was a King born and bred. He was born around the First Age and dwelt around Middle-Earth for too long. He had seen enough and was through fire and pain. Pain that no human, no Elf nor dwarf could ever sustain and live with it through the centuries. Yet, it did not matter tonight. His son managed to make him feel awkward inside his chambers.

Legolas spoke more with his actions than his words. Even as a young Elfing, there was no noise or any kind of disturbing. And now 500 years later, the son, that was supposed never to return to Mirkwood. Has returned! With a dwarf as a close friend and an 'Adaneth' to bond with. Maybe after all diving in the Enchanted River sounded promising. He would forget the latest events, and if he was lucky enough; even his son. Thranduil reminded himself, that the Ellon was an omnishambles. And he was accepting more problems to arise shortly. He was sure, his peaceful nights were over.

The royal chambers, the throne chamber, and a few more areas had crafted windows and openings in such a majestic way; that the forest sight was visible. Even if the Forest of the Wilderland was now shaded with darkness and evil. Thranduil managed to find his refreshing quiet or repose of sleep, between the healthy part of the forest. It awakened his memories and his responsibility as the Elvenking to rebuild what had perished. No longer Mirkwood, but Greenwood should it be called.

Such a difficult task could only be accomplished with a lot of hard work. It would take many years and a lot of effort to manage to clean the darkness that had risen. Thranduil would fix the southern boundary of his realm as the Mountains of Mirkwood, and his realm should flourished well into the Fourth Age. He would stay on as the king of the Great Forest, and support his people and his son. To depart to the Undying Lands, was a plan long forgotten.

Orome and Thilion, two of his most trusted men. They supported the Elvenking through every battle and war. They knew his deepest secrets and pains. If he could forget his cold stone heart, he might call them close friends. They were both the sons of Nienna. Their father was killed in the Battle of Dagorlad. They were never married and were two of the deadliest Elves of Mirkwood.

Nienna and her sons were the most respected Elves around Mirkwood. They were favored by the Elvenking himself. Yet, as proud Nienna was of her sons, it was her daughter who was the disgraceful family member. Her name was Alaesa. She was the youngest daughter of Nienna. Alaesa was thought of as a nobility and was part of the King's court. She was a lover of art and she was responsible for teaching young elves.

Alaesa had white fair skin, shiny and soft. Her hair was long and straight. The color was white-blond, a different kind of blonde than the rest of the wooden-elves. She was one of the tallest Elleth around Mirkwood. Her eyes were light blue. Her appearance impressive than most of Ellith's. It was said there was not another Elleth around Mirkwood as beautiful as her. She was known as the siren of Mirkwood, whose singing could lure any Elf or human into her bed. She used her magical singing against the Elvenking many times. Yet, he never responded to her call. A few hundred years ago, she tried to lure Legolas. But her efforts were once again in vain.

Until now, Thranduil had never offended her or sought her punishment. Because her mother and her brothers were people he trusted. Also, Alaesa was smart enough, to be aware of her actions and words. She never overused her powers or demented more attention. She thought she had all the time she needed to climb herself as the new Queen of Mirkwood or at least as the princess. At least up till now. Her plans had slowly reached a dead end. With Ethir around, Legolas was no longer single. As for the Elvenking, he was avoiding her more than ever. She needed soon to prepare a new strategy!

It was early in the morning, and Legolas visited his father. He and Ethir spent the dawn out of the King's Hall. They were touring around the forest river, escaping the inner parts of Mirkwood. Legolas demonstrated which paths Ethir could use whenever she needed an escape outside the palace. He noted that he should have shown her around sooner.

"You will soon learn the truth," said Legolas as he approached the throne "You may already hear it. Ethir and I bonded last night."

Thranduil, lounging out on his throne, hanging out on one side less than the other; in the coolest way. He lifted an eyebrow ironically gazing at his son. "Your gratitude is misplaced. I did not come so early on my behalf to hide around my throne. It was your 'Adaneth' and your loud call, that had me seek an escape. As you let everyone around the royal chambers know. What else could be there to say?" he questioned.

Legolas lowered his eyes, trying to hide his embarrassment. The situation was already awkward enough, and his father could only make it worse. Yet, he was there to talk with him, and he would see it through. "When you know more you will understand why I reached out for you. I want our bond to be announced. As your son, and the prince of Mirkwood, I deserve a wedding ceremony for my beloved one and I." Legolas spoke lifting his eyes and glancing at his father.

"Some may imagine that a noble quest is at hand. A quest to claim your mate and ensure her a title. I suspect a more prosaic motive; attempted away closer to a royal title. You have given her a way in. She seeks that which would bestow upon you the right to rule; the bond with you. She is precious to you beyond measure. I understand that. I can offer you my allowance to have a wedding ceremony. A fest to declare your wedding. Yet, no title will be given to her." the King of the Woodland Realm uttered with a voice clear and deadly as he was glaring at Legolas. "Compose the invitations. I will have them signed. Orome and Thilion will ride out and share them. When are you planning to hold this event?"

"She stands not alone. I gave her away to reach my heart. No title is needed. Only that she is officially seen as my mate. We will write the invitations, and have you sign them. We were hoping around the beginning of the winter. Almost, a year we know each other. The winter sounded like the best option." Legolas explained. "Ada, there is more to be granted out of your goodwill, a kind act towards Ethir. She should be allowed to ride out, even with me if possible. Name her a training guard or as an intern under my name. Until she proves herself, to be offered a higher range."

"The heirlooms of my people are not lightly forsaken. Be fully aware of what you are asking me! Ellith is not a warrior, Legolas. Tauriel managed to withstand all the training and be captain. Yet, it was not accomplished in a few months or years. Your 'Adaneth' wishes already to ride out as soon as possible. I can already foresee it. Who would try to reason with her?" Thranduil sighed as he could already see new trouble rise "Yet, I will grant your wish. To be called a guard upon training, only after long hours of training. And she must always inform someone if she wishes to ride out. And never alone Legolas."

"Aye! She will be advised!" the son of Thranduil ensured his father trying to hide his worries. He was more than sure a 'wicked girl' of his would find her way to annoy the Elvenking. Specially, if she found her lost self. Legolas could already feel his father's wrath against them, leading them to their doom.

Yet, he chooses to remain optimistic and hope for the best outcome. He thanked his father. Next, he reached Ethir telling her the news. News, that gave her hope and a way out of the Elvenking's hall. Thranduil never believed that his son 'Adaneth' would follow the rules. He was waiting for worse days to come and trouble outside his doorstep.

((Next Chapter: 61))

[last edit: 2017 April]

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