Opposing Thranduil

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Author's Note:

Warning: Concepts contained in this chapter include Thranduil! Be aware! :D

Disclaimers: I don't own any of the characters, places, names, etc. (only the OC). It all belongs to J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson.

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"You keep avoiding the Elf since we departed from Gondor. Did you blend hearts and desires, to your confusion Lassy?" the dwarf asked her. He was resting against a gigantic rock, that stood behind him. The company of four camped outside Mirkwood. They rode for days, and it should take them one more day to reach the ElvenKing's Halls.

Ethir stood next to Gimli and turned her dark eyes away north and east, and her fair face was troubled. "I am troubled in mind, Gimli! I will not deny that! Yet, I am not trying to avoid Legolas." she affirmed, " I have labored long in thought, and now I fear that I must change my purpose."

"What change will that be?" Gimli asked as he pulled out his pipe and lit it on. "Didn't you and he came to an understanding!"

"I do fear there is not only a change to my purpose, but to his too! Our future is not what we barged for Gimli. He surely was not to return to Mirkwood. Mine was beyond that. And here are we both, ready to encounter with the ElvenKing." she responded. Ethir felt her shoulders, lifting a transparent weight.

"You are afraid of Thranduil?" Gimli questioned "You were confident enough, to face him before! What changed?"

"Everything changed! I am not scared of Thranduil! At least not less, than I had always been. He is not longer the ElvenKing, I found it evil and unreasonable." she admitted lowering her gaze "I have no reason, to stand in front of him, daring and tell him that I want to bond with his son. After, everything that has happened. How could I be so selfish?

"That's why his son will do the talking!" Legolas interrupted them, as he stepped between them. The Ellon had heard most of their conversation. "I will meet first with my Ada! As for our Destiny. It was never foretold, Ethir. I could end up back in Mirkwood, even without you! As well you could have a different future, as the one you thought!"

Ethir blinked her eyelashes "For a prince you eavesdrop a lot!" she noted with a simple tone. "Nay! You will not! You already dealt with Haldir on your own. Keeping me away. This time, I will deal with your father first. You can stand in the corner and listen! But, You will not interfere!" Ethir spoke irritated.

"My hearing is good enough, it is not my fault I heard you!" he answered her. Gimli was smoking his pipe and just curious listening to them. "I did not hold you away! I did the talking because we needed to approach calmly and gently. And you would storm off against Haldir, and I can foresee you will do the same with Ada! I cannot allow that!" Legolas explained. He was gazing at the sight in front of him, avoiding eye contact. Valar, he loved her beyond any words and actions. Yet, Ellon was smart enough to know his 'wicked girl' well enough.

"Of course, you cannot! You will not!" Ethir mocked him and walked away. If she stayed any longer, she would for sure start a fight with him. And that was the last thing she wanted. To reach the ElvenKing and be on bad terms with each other. She was troubled and clouded enough, to understand Legola's point of view.

"I think Lad, you pissed her enough!" Gimli told him "Lassy, can be reasonable, you should keep your word and deal with the Elvenking together."

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