Heavenly bliss

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She suddenly felt Legolas' hand on her shoulder, he was close enough to her reach, though when he made contact his skin was cooler than she imagined. There was no hint of sadness in his eyes like the news had reached him. His lips formed the words her legs gave away and she sensed his arms catching her, not pulling her up but ensuring she met the ground more gently. The anticipation tingled through her, like electrical sparks on the way to the ground, gathering in her toes. She needed to render understandable, how things were.

He was not slumped at all, his body was too muscular for that, yet it was just as relaxed as his face. He was smiling; smiling as if something good were about to happen. The world felt through her feet. How could the 'annoying elves' smile and look so relaxed? Did he know? And why was he even there?

Yet, once again, her mind was enchanted, charmed, and fascinated by the 'dazzling Elf'. For her, he was more beautiful than the winter sun above pristine snow. Her Ellon was more mesmerizing than the Golden wood with mallorn Spring leaves. How could someone so perfectly handsome exist? Yet, her heart, body, and soul were bewitched by him. Every little detail that she was crying out that annoyed her, had captivated her. No matter the distance her attraction to him remained constant. He could be at the ends of the earth and still, she would feel pulled towards him. There was something about him and her that matched, each half loving the other so fully that life alone would be meaningless.

Ethir gaze slid to the side. Legolas pulled her against his chest nearer. He did not need any words, the emotions that filled the area were enough, to make it clear. How deeply in love they were. His nose tickled her ear. She let out a tiny gasp and squirmed uncomfortably. She felt his lips softly graze her slender neck. Her face heated. She summoned enough courage to meet his gaze. His dark gray-blue eyes twinkled. 'He knows!?' she thought. Every move he made, would give away, that something had changed since the last time they spoke.

"Why are you here?" she questioned, as her petite body form leaned against him. The long silver gown was waving against the fair breeze. Her curly long hair formed a messy hairstyle, cause of the same breeze. "We agreed, never to see each other again!" Her words did not match her facial expression. Her eyes were wide open, and a gentle smile formed on her face and could not vanish.

She was burning. Why was she on such, fire? He was the sun. He had people orbiting around him; some were so close it burned them. The lucky ones were in the perfect distance to feel his warmth and live with him peacefully. He was the brightest person she could ever meet. So bright, and dazzling that cause her to be on fire now. Slowly burning her.

Legolas happier than ever, stared at her. He would answer her, and they would talk as long as they needed. Just, for the time being, he needed to touch her and look at her. He would admit, she was classically beautiful, or beyond it. She could never be as beautiful as an Elleth. She would never be as wise and pure as an Elleth. But her large liquid jet black eyes held such an intelligence and serenity that it was impossible for him not to be held prisoner by them. Her cheekbones weren't especially high and her nose was a little too small to be perfect, but there was undeniable symmetry to her features and perhaps that's what held him so captivated. Her imperfection stuttered and blushed the Ellon in such ways; that he wanted to give her more than his own heart.

"Alas! We have spoken too fast. I fear you have been deadly hurt before I could tell." Legolas conceded, his arms were wrapped around her keeping her near him. He felt the warmth of her body, against his cold one. "We were wrong!"

Ethir lifted her eyes and pinned her gaze against him "We were so wrong!" she agreed with him. She shifted her body against his "What did you find out? Who told you?" she asked him

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