The Elvenking's Hush-Hush

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Author's Note:

Warning: Concepts contained in this chapter include longing for hope! Enjoy! Hush-hush replaces the word Secret here. :D

Disclaimers: I don't own any of the characters, places, names, etc. (only the OC). It all belongs to J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson.

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Mirkwood, the sun seemed to darken and the world dimmed and remote. The Ellon remained inside the bed chamber for a long time, before he finally decided to meet with Thranduil. He grabbed the blade, that was left behind by Ethir. His mind was still troubled, and his heart aching. He stormed into the throne chamber, Thranduil was sitting on his throne. He seemed as always calm and cold, yet his mind was clouded. It took him a while to notice Legolas.

"I know you're there. Why do you linger in the shadows?" the Elven King said as his gaze was still lost in blankness and he did not turn to address his son.

"I was coming to talk with you Ada (father)!" Legolas answered as he stepped closer to the throne area. He revealed the blade, slowly he placed it against the ground. The action won Thranduil attention. "Ethir asked me to return, this to you! I was convinced that it belonged to Naneth (mother)."

"Out there in the vast ignorance of the world, it festers and spreads. So it ever was; so will it always be. In time, all foul things come forth. Yet, I was never concerned that Adaneth would return the blade so easily. What changed?" Thranduil stepped down from his throne and allowed his fingers to touch the blade. His eyes sparkled as he seemed something far and familiar. "It was your Naneth (mother). The blade was lost the day she died. That is the only reason I wanted it back Legolas!" he elucidated.

"Ethir did not know Ada (father). She only found out today, when I told her my Naneth's (mother's) name and story!" Legolas said with a cracking voice. The sound of it made the Elven King notice the sorrow that his son had dwelt in.

"Where is the Adaneth now?" Thranduil questioned as he was still examining the blade. The fair metal against his skin made him remember the detail that it was designed.

Legolas lowered his gaze, his grief was still near. The Ellon did not want to talk about, what had occurred hours before. Yet, he had to inform the King. "Ethir is gone, you do not have to worry any longer. I asked Tauriel to accompany her to Lothlórien." Legolas enlightened Thranduil.

King of the Woodland Realm stood up, he turned around and faced his son. "That Adaneth was rude, she spoke her mind out without any fear. Inside my Kingdom, inside my throne, she spotted that she owned my son's heart. She refused to return it. Yet, you are telling me, she just left. I hope Legolas, you have an explanation, strong enough... Why I would not haunt her down for her ignorance." he voiced up, the tense of his tone echoing through his halls.

"A dark doubt or care sits with me, why Ethir would follow me to Mirkwood. Why she said to my father, in the most tantamount way that she owned my heart." Legolas uncovered as his body lost the pride and the strength it used to have "But she was courteous, if she broke her silence. Less Fair than any Elleth, and more wicked than any Adaneth. She had to go because we were ready to fight all the odds to be together. We cogitated that they lied about our weakness. We were devised without considering our past."

The King of the Elves of the Wood found the agony of his son's words and heartache under his son's actions. "What past could that be? What went through your way, I must know!" he seriously demanded.

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