The Fall

554 15 2

3019, September 09

Falling leaves bid farewell to sweet summer and beckon the autumn. Like the moving hand of a clock, they mark time in their chaotic way, the only way nature comprehends. The falling leaves fluttered down, sparse in the cool autumn air. In other areas, perhaps they could be a feast of colors; enough to feed the soul as well as the eyes. Yet in Mirkwood that was not the case. The bare branches spiked into the sky, no sign of life to be found anywhere. Although, the forest was much alive. It was so dark, barely able to see anything. There were only small sounds of rustling bushes and the howl of the wind. No one could tell what lay in the dark forest, all that was known, was that it wasn't going to be a peaceful journey.

Ethir was sitting at the edge of the old stone bridge, that was located close to the entrance of the Elvenking's halls. She would often retreat there when her head was over-wheeling and her body too weary. It had only been a few weeks since Thranduil gave his allowance for the wedding ceremony to take place. The invitations were already made and sent off. Legolas and she spent more than a week trying to find the right design and words to create a respectful and extraordinary design, for the Elvenking to sign. To her amazement, she was named a guard upon training by the Elvenking. Truth be told, her training was moving at a slow pace. She could not follow Legolas yet. Like Today, the Ellon was scanning the north borders of Mirkwood with his party. And Ethir could not be included.

Her days had slightly changed, with her mornings to be filled with preparation for their wedding. The evening should soon be more alive, as her training would start. And thankfully, her nights were active and warm, as long as Legolas was around. What she disliked intensely and passionately, were her learning days with Alaesa. Nienna's daughter had become like her tutor. Ethir was not sure if anyone put her into that position or if she grabbed the opportunity to be in that position. Either way, Ethir simply did not like her. That Elleth was simply getting on her nerves. Ethir could not deny, that she was very alluring. She was noble and royal, a very respectful Elleth around the other Elves. She would win the attention, with her manners and superior acts. Yet, nothing was offending. Ethir did not know a lot about Alaesa. Honestly, she never wanted to find out. Most of their time is spent together. Ethir was belittled by her, in such a clever way she could not react without causing a scene. And the last thing Ethir wanted was to cause any kind of bad attention. The slight change for Thranduil and her to make peace would be ruined.

Yet, these three weeks Ethir had noticed Alaesa clench around Legolas. Her behavior changed when she was with Legolas. Her body language seemed different. Ethir had noted too many strange 'coincidences'. She had already written Alaesa on her blacklist. If she was not living under the Elvenking's halls, she would have confronted her. Even if Nienna was her friend. Her daughter was surely a trouble. The trouble that Ethir wanted to see answered. Her mistake was, that she did not face Nienna's daughter sooner. Before it was too late.

For afar Alaesa had the quality to become a princess. She was well educated about the Mirkwood customs. She was emitting an air of royalty and nobility. She could stand her ground around the court and the noble elves of Mirkwood. And she was self-centered. She had everything she needed to stand next to Legolas as a princess. Ethir envied her for that. She would never be like Alaesa. Even if she spent an eternity to train herself. She would never reach that level of proper behavior.

At a closer look, Alaesa had a hidden secret. She was not evil. How could after all an elf is evil? But, she wished to see herself in a high range. Alyssa knew of her worth. That she was the prettiest Elleth around Mirkwood. That she could lure men easily with her siren voice. She was perfectly aiming to reach as high as she could. And Ethir was standing in her way. Why would a worthless Elleth like Ethir, be allowed to bond with Legolas? She seemed like a human. Not even a royal human. Like a strange human, that lost his way in the Elvenking's halls. She did not know anything about the Elves. Why was Legolas overwhelmed by her? And why did even the Elvenking allow her to stay in Mirkwood? Alaesa had made up her mind. She would give a light push, that would lead Ethir to her destruction.

If a leaf made its final journey to the earth it fell in a graceful tumbling motion, seeking the least resistance from the autumnal air. Already dead, yet the color and the dance were so alive. The descent was utterly silent until it joined the brethren, and even then the noise was barely audible. Like that colorful dead leaf, Ethir fell against the black and dim water of the Enchanted River under the bridge. The long dark green gown she was wearing slowly got wet; the cause of the stream. She remembered what Legolas told her weeks ago. She struggled against the stream trying to reach the riverside. Yet, it was too late. She had already drifted asleep. With a last thought, she did not fall, rather, she was pushed.

The strong torrents of water floated her sleeping body across the Enchanted River until it was caught between two branches. She was found a few hours later since she was lucky enough and the gate guards saw her fall. They ran after her, but it was already too late when they found her. Ethir had been already in deep sleep. She was 'rescued' and brought to the healing chambers. Warm and dry clothes were put on her, to regain her body temperature. She was very much alive. And sure she would be awake in a few days. But the amnesia, she would suffer, could be her downfall.

Thranduil was retreating to his bed-chamber when one of the guards went to inform him, "My Lord we have not good news! Prince Legolas is not around. That's why we came to inform you." The guard said, avoiding to say the actual news. Never had an Elf fallen inside the Enchanted River. And now he had to tell the King that his daughter-in-law (to be) fell in the river. The guard was not sure how the fall happened. He only noted Ethir when she was landing against the stream.

The Elvenking paused, standing tall and proud waiting for the guard to speak. "Speak!" Thranduil demanded. Lately, he was irritated with the idea that the 'Adaneth' would be formally announced as his son's loved one.

"Lady Ethir fell!" the guard informed the Elvenking "She dove into the stream of the Enchanted River, my Lord! We found her a few hours later. "

Silence took over the room. Thranduil's eyes opened widely as he blinked in confusion. It took a whole minute for the Elvenking to react. "You mean she fell into the River?" he questioned astonished. He remembered once a dwarf had accidentally fallen in the river. 'Bomber' or what was his name? "How did that happen? How is she?" he asked bewildered by the outfall. Surely, he did not like the 'Adaneth'. Indeed, he had cursed her name many times. Yet, he never wished her anything bad to happen to her. Because he knew how deeply his son's life was linked with hers.

"My Lord, we do not know how it happened. I have only witnessed her land against the river, and the stream dragged her away. She was brought to the healers and seemed alive. She is sleeping. We do not know if it affected her memory." the guard answered.

"Bring me to her. Send a Message to Legolas to return as soon as possible. Do not give him the reason. Only write that he has to return!" Thranduil ordered as he followed the guard. It would be safer if Legolas did not know the reason, until his return. A worry-Legolas could make a mistake upon his return, and that was the last thing that the Elvenking needed now.

Ethir was sleeping silently against the bed, inside the healing chamber. She was covered with blankets to keep her warm. The fire was lit inside the fireplace. Thranduil spoke with the healers making sure his son 'foolish Adaneth' was alive and well. Yet, what scared him was that the healers ensured him that she would sustain some memory loss or worse forget everything.

The following days were a nightmare. Thranduil and Nienna worried and stayed long hours next to Ethir taking care of her, and waiting for her to wake up. The Elvenking suffered from disturbing thoughts of the 'Adaneth' with no memory, how his son would react, and if Ethir's fall was an 'accident' or if she was pushed.

((Next Chapter: 63))

[last edit: 2017 April]

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