The Return of the King

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3019, May 1

The Cycles of time rose and fell; that knowing the heights and depth of all. The Fate's whim and turned not back again, yet whirls with Good and Evil was trained. The spurs of hate and spite; The rapt embraces and languorous kiss by night. The accidents and fortunes that befell them in the link of a romance in which no guile could slink. It could not be forgotten, it could not be undone.

More than a month had passed, since Legolas departed from Minas Tirith, with the promise that he would return with Arwen and Haldir. Today Aragorn should be crowned King. There was no sign of Legolas, Arwen, or anyone else. Ethir kept herself busy, as much as possible. She was spending most of her time with Gimli. They were aiding Aragorn slowly to rebuild the city. As it was promised.

At dinner time, Ethir and Gimli met with the rest of the company. There is always a story to tell, or a debate to start. Time passed slowly, and she found herself getting drawn into a daily routine. She could not complain that it was boring. There was always someone around to annoy her enough. All the more Éomer, who tried to show his interest in spending time with her. Yet, Gimli and Aragorn 'accidentally' interfered with his plans.

Many hours every day, were spent with the dwarf. There were times, they talked only about stone and walls. Great designs that Gimli had in mind. A few of those designs were drawn, and a few were also coming to life. Other times they would talk about Ethir's point of view, about books and education centers. Yet, those were mostly ignored by Gimli and she ended up discussing it with Aragorn. Some other times, they would talk about 'the annoying Ellon'. Gimli and Ethir bad-mouthed him in any possible way. Next came, a lot of laughing and giggling. They would conclude that they both missed the Ellon.

Specially, Ethir. She had noticed his absence in every possible way. Firstly, his dazzling figure. That kind of dazzle, that seared into your retinas making you close them for fear of going blind. The sort of brightness that would make fresh snow look gray and dull. It was a lightness to rival the sun itself. Secondly, his scents. That Fragrant and exquisite, smell of life. It could relax her anxious heart many times. The scent of trees, and autumn leaves. Or was it the scent of the wood and flower spring? Maybe both. And his voice, deep and fearful; when it was shouting. Soft, and light; as a humming song, when it was spoken.

Yet, what she missed most was his embrace. The way his arms wrapped around her made her feel secure and safe. She never even needed to feel secure. She was never afraid to die or be punished. Yet, now it was terrifying her. She wanted to live, as long as she could. She had many reasons. She found only one valid. For Legolas. She slowly understood, how much this 'annoying Ellon' meant to her. He was someone very important to her, so important that her heart ached.

Yet, that 'annoying Ellon', was also a 'foolish Ellon'. How could he simply give her his heart? He could have any Elleth. Elleth Prettier than her, purer than she. Wiser than her. And with more years to live than her. Yet, he wanted her. The wicked, dark, and fearless Adaneth. Simply, like that. He chose her. Ethir could not explain, why or how. And honestly, deeply it excited her like a small child. It boosted her confidence. It smoothed her heart. Relaxed her brain. Yet, her heart was in dull pain. Not, only because they could not have a normal life together. But mostly, because she had found out what grief could do to an Ellon. This month Gandalf explained to her many things about the Elves. And how grief worked upon them, was one of that.

Even if she acted irritated by his decision to leave her behind. Even if she declared, her hatred against him plenty of times. Even if she acted indifferent to his return. Deep down, he was her first thought when she woke up, and her last when she drifted asleep.

Legolas was in the same state of mind. He missed Ethir, every single second. There was an ache that cycled inside him, always returning in quiet moments. He wanted so much to keep her close, to talk and laugh and he knew that her absence was down to him. He missed her touch against his. Her stubborn and fearless persona of hers. Even her foolishness. The way she could stand her ground, and lose it is in a second. Her strength, her darkness, and her weakness. He loved it all. Even her wicked self. The way, she could simply run into a battle without any care and any fear. He named her many times foolish. But he knew it well, that she was also brave.

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