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Author's Note:

Warning: Concepts contained in this chapter include semi-nudity!

Disclaimers: I don't own any of the characters, places, names, etc (only the OC). It all belongs to J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson.

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Dawn came over the day of battle, and it was fair with rising light clouds and the wind turning westward. Gimli was resting on a chair, next to Ethir. Minutes earlier, he was debating the Elf, to treat his wound and get some rest. The dwarf gave him his word, that he would keep a close eye on the Adaneth. Yet, sleep seemed to be also his friend and soon he drifted asleep.

Were her thoughts visible, they would be an inverse explosion, crazy, chaotic turns and twists of light all coming together to just one idea, to just one word. ' A'maelamin (My Beloved one)!' That simple word spun in a way that appeared without design or logic like it dances its way back to love, a way of living that celebrates life without damaging the very people we hold dearest. The thought is just that, a fiction of the mind, so how is it that it can remain so unreasonably obstinate inside her mind? Why is it that an infraction of the mind, wandering a path that is destined to go downtrodden brings such internal grief?

What awoke her was not the pain of her wounds, nor the dwarf's snore, but the Ellon voice inside her mind repeating the same word again and again 'A'maelamin (My Beloved one)!' She could sleep a little longer, nuzzling against the comfort of the warm sheets that were brought to her over the night. Yet, her mind was on fire. Her curiosity rose and awoke every vein in her body.

'Sash! Your irritating mind, and let me sleep! I do not wish to be awakened, I do not wish to deal with thee!? Why cannot you just profess as if you did not hear it? A few days ago, you were in denial. And more of all you do know, such an eerie dream cannot be. Named it passion or instinct, call it as you wish. Yet, leave me be.'

Ethir, struggled to keep her eyes shut, however, that could not be accomplished easily. With her wheeling mind of hers, and the dazzling Ellon word. She was awoken and yawned. Stretching her arms, finding it easier to move. Oddly, her wounds were in pain, but still, she could raise, stand and even walk. She stared at Gimli, who was sleeping so deeply, that his snore had surely awoken everyone. Her urge to speak her mind increased. She needed to see Legolas. Wrong or right, she could no longer oppose that burning feeling.

The Adaneth, was told in which chamber the Ellon was resting. A question, that could easily be answered, since he drew all the attention, with his fair face and noble look. She cracked a smile, as he did not look so dazzling the other night, her mind noted. She tiptoed through the corridors, with a childish act not to be spotted. What was wrong with her? Did she hit her head the previous day, in the battle? Or maybe the arrows included any funky poison that had her acting like a teen girl. She was supposed to be wicked and mischievous. But today she felt like a cherry blossom wanting to be teased.

With those thoughts, she leaned against the wooden door and with her body weight opened it widely. She stepped into the room, as she heard the door closing behind her. Suddenly, her thoughts fall into a deep silence. Her eyes froze at the view of a half-nude Ellon. She was sure she heard her mind whistle. 'What is wrong with you?' Debating with her mind, she almost forgot of the dazzling Ellon, who stood in the middle of the room baffled.

Legolas was not in bigger confused than she. Since he had already figured it out, the confusion he had been in since last night. Perhaps, he knew he must stick to just one path, and that meant leaving such beautiful dark ones to be figments and no more. Perhaps his guilt was a warning, that looking through doors, he cannot enter would bring only sorrow. Yet there are days when it felt like not approaching those 'doors' would bring worse pain, that walking away will hurt all the more. An Adaneth and an Ellon could never bond. Aragorn and Arwen were a big example, Arwen was a half-elf, and he was not. Also, his Adaneth was supposed to be dark and a close bloodline to Sauron. The wise Ellon had not forgotten that.

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