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"Speak and be comforted!" Legolas said, "What has happened since we came back to this place in the glancing morning?" He lifted his dark blue-gray eyes and looked at her "Arwen happened! Haldir Happened! Was it not worthy to wait?"

Ethir nodded "Dazzling Ellon, you know it was worth every second of it. But that does not change the final aspect that you were missed." She laid an alluring gaze upon him before she stepped back "I need to find Haldir! There is much to talk about! I cannot wait." she honestly informed him.

"The Marchwarden of Lórien is already at the main chambers, celebrating with everyone else. You should go and meet him," he suggested as he gave her a genius smile.

"I will. We will finish this talk later!" Ethir said and winked at him.

She slowly turned away from Legolas, only to be pulled back again in another kiss. "Not just yet..." the Ellon murmured, and hauled her towards him, wrapping his arms all around her. Their kiss was longer than the previous, and after they broke it their lips were red and a bit swollen. "Ethir, after all this is done. We must take thought to visit Mirkwood." Legolas said.

Ethir tilted her head perplexed at his words "Mirkwood?! You want us to travel to your homeland?"

"Aye! Break our silence, talk to my father, ... Maybe there is another way... Another answer to our riddle..." Ellon suddenly blurts out gazing at her. There was more he had forgotten to tell her. At first, he kept his connection with Mirkwood and the ElvenKing hidden. Then he simply, never found it important to tell her. But, it was different now. He wanted to show her the land he grew up in, to let his father meet with the one that had won his heart. And deep down, he hopped. Maybe... Just maybe there has been a way for them to be together.

Her eyes widened as she rattled "Your land? Your Father? Answers? Have you drawn mad? I cannot do that Legolas. You want me to see your father, and tell him that I will be the reason his son may die in grief. We cannot do that... I cannot do that! It was only a fairy Dream, an unfair hope."

The elf patted her shoulder "We should not let any dark doubt or care sit with us! We talk about this matter once more."

"There is nothing more to discuss. I have to see Haldir!" she concluded. Stepping back and vanishing from their secret meeting point. She blinked in with the crowd until she found Haldir sitting alone at a large table on the east side. She strode towards him and took a seat next to him.

Haldir gave her a soft bow and greeted her and a smile formed on his face. His eyes had a happy glance like he had found a lost relative. Yet, his words were few and carefully placed. As an Elf, he was not in a hurry. He wanted to give Ethir the time needed to adjust away from her darkness. He could not suddenly divulge that he was her uncle and the rest of the secrets. That kind of thing took time. And as an Elf, he could afford that. "Ethir!" he said "How have you been?"

Yet, Ethir could not delay. She needed answers to figure out if what was said to her was the truth or not. "I am fine Haldir. We have to talk, you have to tell me. I cannot go on any longer like that." She simply mouthed him without holding back.

He nodded "We will! But we can wait. To talk at a more suitable time!"

Ethir's eyes darkened "I do not have time! I need answers. And I needed them yesterday!" What do you know about my parents? About my father? There is more to the story you once told me. I can feel it, I know it!"

"There is!" Haldir admitted "I was hoping to have more time and in a more peaceful place. What have you heard about Aldar?"

"Aldar, my father! Not much, actually the name does not remind me of anyone! What should I have known about him?" Ethir asked as she faced the elf waiting for answers.

The Unforgiven { Legolas x OC - LotR Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now