The pass of Caradhras

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Author's Note:

I don't own any of the characters, places, names, etc (only the OC). It all belongs to J.R.R Tolkien and Peter Jackson.

3019, January 11, 12

The Company of nine and the outcast set out, and turning now half east, they steered their course towards Caradhras, which far away still glowed faintly red in the first light of the showing Sun. The air was chill again; already the wind was turning back towards the east. Caradhras rose before them, a mighty peak, tipped with snow.

"Winter deepens behind us. The heights away north are whiter than they were." Gandalf said as he snuffed the air. No one had talked for a long time after they left the camp. They were aiming to cross the mountain as fast as they could. But the snow, the wind, and the cold didn't make it any easier.

Aragorn gazed at Gandalf seriously responding "We must go on, and it is no good our delaying the passage of the mountains. It's wise to cross it as fast as we can my friend."

The Fellowship scaled the snowy slopes of Caradhra fresh snow beneath the great blue sky. Suddenly, Frodo lost his balance and fell, rolling down the slope towards Aragorn.

"Uh!" Frodo exhaled, as he tried to get up.

Aragorn, who was closer to him called him "Frodo!" and he aided him to his feet. Frodo regained his balance and put a hand instinctively to his neck for the Ring. Finding it missing. He tilted his head and looks back up the slope. The Ring dropped in the snow, glistening. Ethir noted at the Ring and lowered her gaze. It was like the Ring spotted her at once. She could feel her energy hauled. Boromir next marked the Ring and picked it up by its chain.

Aragorn feared that he would not want to return it quietly alarmed him "Boromir."

Boromir said softly "It is a strange fate we should suffer so much fear and doubt, over so small a thing. Such a little thing." He reached out to touch it. Everyone turned their attention at Boromir. Who seemed that was lost in the sparkle of the one ring?

Aragorn called him again "Boromir!" He gazed at him. "Give the Ring to Frodo," he uttered. Boromir walked slowly down. Aragorn's hand was on the hilt of his sword. He held out the one Ring "As you wish." Frodo without waiting, grabbed the Ring sharply. "I care not," he said lastly.

Boromir turned to resume climbing. Frodo glanced suspiciously, as the Ranger released his grip from his sword.

Gandalf's staff drove in the snow, forging a way through a growing blizzard as Gandalf guided the Fellowship along a narrow ledge on the Pass. Everyone followed as they had a chill feeling that something was going wrong. Legolas ran out ahead. His steps were light and he moved with ease across the top of the snow, staring into the blinding storm. The rest were half hidden in the snow, gazing confusion at Legolas.

"You got to be kidding me. He cannot be that light?" Ethir commended as she was trying to keep herself from sinking deeper.

Pippin sighted confused "How does he do that?"

"I start hating the elves more," she commented.

"No elf wins," Gimli added as he tried to pass in front of them. But it was more difficult than he thought.

Legolas ignored them as he could feel something worse across the air. "There is a fell voice on the air!" he said in a soft pitch.

A light voice could be heard "Cuiva nwalca Carnirasse; nai yarvaxea rasselya!" (Wake up cruel Redhorn! May your horn be bloodstained )?

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