The wedlock of Elessar & Undómie

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Finally, Gandalf stood in the middle of the opening on top of Minas Tirith. He asked everyone to stand. A lined path with white rose petals stood in front of her. She took two steps out before she was greeted by her father. He escorted her down the aisle, which seemed longer than before. He became her strength; without him, she would faint. The guests stood and looked at her and her amazing wedding dress. Up ahead, stood Aragorn. Her future husband, the love of her life, her everything. He stood taller, his shoulders back and his eyes on her.

The wedding gown was made by using elvish fabric combined with silk and lace. The design was very modern and was outlined with Elvish craft. That was to say it had a tubular bodice, low waist, gathered down to her toes, long elvish type of sleeves, flared lace over-sleeves, low U-shaped neckline, and a fine chiffon veil with embroidered edges. It was noted by everyone in the room, especially the woman.

The bride had a few more steps to reach the Groom. The guests were now more familiar to her. There was Captain of the White Tower Faramir and his wife Éowyn. The pair had a small wedding a week before in Rohan. Gimli, Legolas, and Ethir were invited. Mostly, because they rode through Rohan to reach Gondor. It was a very small ceremony. Neither Faramir nor Éowyn wanted anything too flashy. A few days after the wedding, the newlyweds, Éomer, and the company of three (Gimli, Legolas, and Ethir) departed to attend the wedding. Next to them, sat King Éomer. Who kept irritating Gimli with his questions? A few steps ahead stood Legolas with Ethir. They seemed closer than before. Ethir had wrapped her arm around Legolas's arm. The Ellon was wearing a silver tunic, with a darker outline and his leggies beneath. His hair was perfectly arranged, with a circle around his head. Ethir kept mocking Legolas and his 'circlet' and they were currently not speaking to each other. She was wearing a long silk dress, it seemed metal blue. The sleeves were long, and it had a V-shaped neckline. The hobbits were also there. Haldir, Lady Galadriel, and Lord Celeborn stood next to the odd couple.

At the end of the aisle, Lord Elrond hugged her and ensured how much he loved her. Next, he presented Arwen to her Groom. Her father placed her hand in Aragorn's and smiled. As a couple, Arwen and Aragorn stood in front of Gandalf. Before Lord Elrond turned around and walked away, he patted the King on the shoulder. That was his way of welcoming him. The couple seemed happy and overwhelmed, it was their day. Happiness was spotted on their faces.

Gandalf cracked a genius smile. He had been waiting for that moment, for a very long time. After all the darkness they were through, the war, and the pain. Finally, there was a small break for happiness. And Aragorn deserved it, as much as Arwen. "Dearly beloved..." the wizard said casting glances all over the open area "... we are gathered here today to witness the King and the Queen join together in holy matrimony..." He went on with his speech until it was time for them to exchange their vows.

Aragorn, who was wearing an attire of black and red velvet. The White tree was outlined, in the middle of his tunic. He was wearing a crown. The King was shining out of happiness. Yet, his voice was troubling, when he began with his vow:

"I promise to be your lover, companion and friend,

Your partner in parenthood,

Your ally in the conflict,

Your greatest fan and your toughest adversary.

Your comrade in adventure,

Your student and your teacher,

Your consolation in disappointment,

Your accomplice in mischief.

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