The unknown blade

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"Lie down my sword! Who gave you permission to touch it?" Ethir shouted as she entered the tent, with a deadly gaze on her face. She found Legolas next to her bed, holding her blade. He had pulled it off, from its case and was scanning every detail. Legolas was taken by surprise. He felt her cloudy aura upon him. He laid the sword on her bed and turned to face her.

"Are you really so curious about my blade? What is it today with the elves and their curiosity?" She gazed at him, puzzled. She stepped between him and the bed. Then she pushed him away. "Questions, agitating questions... That I don't know the answers!" she added irritated as she sat on her bed.

"You do know about the sword, though?" he responded with his attention fully over the sword.

She grabbed the blade and raised it close to her face, "Yes, I know. This isn't just any random blade. It was crafted very carefully, it balance... The blade... the way it slides.. Everything... Just perfectly placed. And its story..." she suddenly stopped.

Legolas stared at her deeply, with his dark gray-blue eyes wide open. He needed to know more about the sword. However, the 'wicked' human didn't seem to be in the mood to share any more details.

"What?" she asked him.

"Please, could you share with me the story behind this blade?" The elf for the first time asked her truly.

Ethir shook her head. She pulled up the covers and climbed on the bed. She lay on her left side, turning her back on him. After she let the blade rest next to her.

Legolas pinned his eyes on her with a louder tone he demanded "Aren't you going to give me an answer?"

Ethir sighed. She slowly faced him, noting that he was very serious about his question. "Why would I? You have nothing to offer? There is nothing I can gain while sharing with you this information!"

"What would it take you... To tell me?" He asked her as he also said at his bed, placing his hand to support his head.

"Elf, you cannot offer me anything. You better stay away from me!" she threatened him and turned on her left side again "Good night!"

"Wait! Are you going to sleep now?" Legolas asked as he gazed at her astonished.

Ethir told him "Yes. I'm tired. If you would stop the stupid questions, It would be more helpful."

The elf tilted his head "In here?"

"Tampa tanya!" (Stop that!) she cried loudly "I want to sleep. Yes, isn't this my tent? I'll sleep here!"

Legolas lifted an eyebrow "You are brave aren't you? Sleeping in the same tent with an Elf?"

"I forgot! Minor details, like those don't bother me. Just let me sleep!" she informed him and hid under the covers.

Legolas was half jolted and half curious "Even if I am an Elf... a male Elf. Rumors could spread about you. Aren't you worried?"

Ethir was ready to get up and hurt him badly "I do not care what others say. Rumors... Are rumors, they'll never be close to the truth. You should be more worried than I?

"Me... Worried? No one would speak an ill word about me." He added, mocking her.

Ethir yawned "Let them! I don't care!"

Legolas' cheeks dimpled, and the corners of his eyes wrinkled and a smile was formed on his face, "You are an odd one!" he admitted.

"Whatever. I just want to sleep!" she complained as she closed her eyes.

The Elf swung against the bed, leaning over the pillows and covers as he also closed his eyes "Tell me about the sword?" he requested again with a soft light voice.

Ethir's eyes remained closed, but she had heard every word. How could she not? Every sound the Elf made, would get all her attention. From the way he shined to the way he talked and smelled. "I will not. Ask me again, when you have something to offer." She responded.

"Tell me..." he said one more time.

"Good night!" she lastly added, before she fell into a deep sleep. The odor of immortal flowers in everlasting winter filled the tent, relaxing the human girl. The smell rose longer and deeper, like white frozen flowers that were forgotten inside the water. That's how the night went on, peaceful, filled with all kinds the refreshing aromas.

"Quel Esta!" (Rest Well) Legolas murmured as he closed his eyes. He didn't sleep that night, hoping that Ethir wouldn't be that wicked and give him an answer. However, he was wrong. She would never reveal anything about the sword.

((Next Chapter: 18))

[last edit: 2017 April]

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