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Author's Note:

Warning: Concepts contained in this chapter include semi-labor scenes! ^_^

Disclaimers: I don't own any of the characters, places, names, etc (only the OC). It all belongs to J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson.

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3020, August 29

With each contraction came a pain that dominated Ethir's entire being. In those moments, for those seconds that stretched into infinity, there was nothing else. Only she reminded herself she should never bond with Legolas. And surely never have children again. As the pain passed it was only for a minute or so and she breathed with closed eyes, unwilling to re-engage with life outside of her own body. The room might as well have been empty for all the awareness she had, and when they did talk, touch, and gain her attention she found it so hard. Yet, she kept reminding Legolas that he was good as dead for putting her through such an experience. The 'annoying'Ellon would pay for that.

The pain of labor was a prison for his mind. In that jail cell of fear and confusion, the time passed without him being able to keep track. Legolas felt a mix of emotions he never had. At first he was scared, really scared like he never was before. About Ethir as her pains made it worse. He was afraid as he would soon be a father. And he was not sure how he would go through that. It was a title he never thought that would be given to him. His responsibilities were now higher than ever. His stomach tightened, and he was fully aware of the consequences of being a parent. Yet, he also felt the luckiest Ellon around Mirkwood. Next to him was the girl, that was more important than himself. Soon one more important person would be entering his life. If that was not happiness what could be?

Even Thranduil had not decided if he would stay outside the chamber or inside. He was nervously walking in and out, causing more anxiety to the pregnant woman. Times like that made him see, how deeply he thought of his son and Ethir. He had stopped calling her 'the Adaneth' long ago. Ethir had won his respect on many levels, and beyond what he would ever imagine. Of course, he never admitted how important that stubborn half of Elleth was for him and his son. That she was one of the reasons, he would today see his grandchild. That his bloodline did not come to an end. A thank you was not enough, for what she brought simply in their lives.

To reply to all the attention she was getting from the healers, Ethir had to find herself from the deepest recess of her mind and drag herself forward, use her voice, and open her eyes. One of the healers was telling her that it was time, time to push. With a guttural grunt she did so and was told to stop, one was enough. Indeed the contractions were the worst part of the labor. When the time was there, for the baby to be pushed. Things were better, even with less pain. She felt the baby crowning, the hot stretching of flesh, and held her breath. Without any further effort, the baby slid into the hands of the healer. A Boy at last, and in seconds he was there, nascent eyes opening, and he was crying. The young Elfin that was a little image of Legolas and Thranduil, won all the attention.

After her child was born, it was as if only sunshine existed in the world, as if all the earth was ushered into harmony. Everyone inside the room had eyes full of tears, tears of happiness. The new parents had a new consciousness, perfect and reaching out for love. In that instant they both knew they would do anything to protect their child, that love was as vast as the universe yet solid as rock. She was his mother, and Legolas his father. And none or anything could change that. As they both were overtaken by the small baby that was crying for more attention. A few new pains appeared and Ethir shouted. It seemed there was one more baby to be born. Three minutes later, she gave birth to a baby girl.

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