Alaesa demands

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There was something in the darkness that was like a promise, a promise given and now it should be kept. Although his darkroom was a place out of time, a place to rest without consequence. The darkness in that way was a sanctuary, a place to recharge and forget the things said had to be done. He spent hours there hoping the outcome would change. But without action, nothing could change. Yet, what could he do simply agree with Alaesa's requests? Deep down he knew, for the time being, he would give her everything she needed to keep his granddaughter safe. That was not the answer, he needed a plan. And he needed it yesterday.

"Dusk comes to bring moonlight. I always thought..." Alaesa suddenly bypassed the Elven King as she showed up inside his room " the time of reflection upon the day passed and awaiting day to be renewed by the light of the sun." She slowly turned around and sat against the armchair. Her long gown hid most of it from under it. "But I am sure that is not the case of your recollection. My King have you reached your retort?"

His glare sucked something out of Alaesa. She visibly wilted before his first word was uttered. "Alaesa You may have an unequivocal answer. Yet, we will have this conversation shortly again." Then he rotated to face the north, his gaze lost once more outside the window. "What are your requests?"

"My King, your long-standing policies have changed dramatically and in a hurry." Elleth (in her arrogant triumph) smirked pouting her lips "I have already decided how it plans to go after you accepted to work along with me."

For such none feeble man, manly in dimensions and stature, his mannerisms brought the temperature down "Speak now! You have delayed long enough!" His right hand had clinched into a fist. Without the circumstance that his granddaughter was in danger, he could strike that punch easily. Moreover, it could damage the Elleth. Put her out of her misery. That path though faded, as it only would lead Raeves into darkness.

"My King, what I feel a need for ..." she paused her words and laughed "What I mostly desire for... " she added with the same creepy laugh escaping her lips. "What I wish for.. you will find out soon. You just have to make sure that you feel all those needs of mine!"

Thranduil's gaze fell like an act of violence, a glare to stop her heart. He had enough of all her games. He stormed over, pulled her off her seat, and pinned her against the wooden wall. "Enough! You will give me an answer. And it shall be now!" he spatted.

"Fair enough!" said Alaesa calmly and unpinned herself free. She crossed her long legs after she sat down again. "There are family and there are stains," she said while gesturing for him to take a seat. "A cruel person wouldn't even make that distinction. That's not me though. I pride myself on my family ties. I love my family. I love the place I grew up. Mirkwood is my home."

Thranduil bit his anger and took a seat in the armchair that was placed next to hers. "Give me a clear answer Alaesa. Quit the games!" he uttered as his heavy glare never left her gaze.

"Blood before water. They say, My King! The irony is that my own family never acted upon that belief. It was duty first. If it was my father, my brothers, or even my mother. Duty!" Alaesa hissed recalling her family's bitter words. "There are people out there that want to save the world! Make things right! Like my family. Like your son!" she laughed "They feel guilty for every over-privileged breath they take. They have to do what is right. Do good! Aid others!"

A stony glare carved into his darkened eyes "They are not acting upon guilt, Alaesa." the Elf King spoke "You consider your family omit Blood for Duty? They did offer themselves for a bigger cause. Offer to aid others and protect their land and their people. You meant a lot to your family. Upon your ill act, they still favor you as a family. Aren't they?"

"Not that I'm saying they should, I don't. Not any longer. I'm just here to take them closer to those they pity but never actually help." Alaesa blasted leaning against Thranduil "I am here to help me. Perhaps that should fill me with guilt and shame, but it doesn't. Long have I waited and longed for my rightful place. You know it better than everyone, My King. But this world is set up for the once with power. It takes a King to make any real difference. Wake me up when my meager resources are more than a band-aid on a lost limb. You want me to protect this land and its people. I surely will. They are not my enemy. But, I will not see me banished or sat to face the council. There is more for me here. And you, My King, will offer me that."

"It's not the wanting that makes you so arrogant, it's the sense of entitlement." Thranduil scoffed. "You have been brought up with a belief that you are superior to everyone else by virtue and status. Yet, that was never the case. In my halls Alaesa you earn your position. This rule applies to everyone. You, your family, Tauriel, Ethir even my son. Threatening may give you access to your wants for a short time. Do not forget though, it was not offered to you."

"Offer or taken, what difference does it make?" Alaesa quizzed strongly "Wealth, power, and status. That's what makes the world go around. You My King, should be the only one understanding my point of view. Like.." she showed a devilish smirk "You know the importance of having the right queen, not by blood or birth, but by who her spirit shows her to be her royalty. Her upbringing. Reaves, your late wife. Was not even a Sindarin Elf? If your father was alive, would he accept such a union?"

Thranduil stood up, his wrath overtook his chambers "You are not allowed to speak of her. Reaves was the rightful Queen. For her King and Mirkwood. She is still the rightful and only Queen!"

Alaesa interrupted him "Maybe once she was. I will not argue with you, My King. She was the Queen you needed. However, the requirements are different in this era. You need a Queen of power and Royalty. A Queen that can stand next to you! A queen of high rank and quality!"

There was no softness in that gaze, that Thranduil gave her next. It was a look that conveyed a bubbling hatred. Disgust perhaps. "Mirkwood had only one Queen!" he purred in rage "Whatever wheel inside your kooky mind, erase it!"

"Erase it?" Alaesa questioned a light laugh escaped her lips and she stood up. Step after step she walked and stood next to Thranduil she leaned against him her lips close to his ear "It will not be Erased, My King! You will grant my wish! Cause If you want you know what I am capable of!"

The Elven King closed his eyes as Alaesa's whispers passed through his ears and pinned against his mind. His veins across his body shuttered as he waited for her next words. Words he was sure of the sound of them. He was sure he had to agree with them. Yet, his heart and mind found it impossible.

"My King" she whispered "I will be the next Queen of Mirkwood!" With those bitter-filled words, Alaesa pulled away. She stole a kiss from his lips and vanished into the night with her last words hanging heavy around the room."And you better make sure that order stands from tomorrow on!"

To Be Continued...

((Next Chapter: 72))

[last edit: 2017 April]

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'Ellon' == Elf or He-Elf

'Elleth' == She-Elf

More than anything, thank you for taking the time to read this!

Quick Note: A really small chapter. Yet, an important one! I hope you like it~

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