The ring is no more

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Two days later the army of the West was all assembled on the Pelennor. Scouts reported that no enemies remained upon the roads east as far as the Crossroads of the Fallen King. All now was ready for the last throw. Aragorn's company was finally noticeable within sight of the Black Gate. At last, the trumpets rang and the army began to move. Troop by troop, and company by company, they wheeled and went off eastward. The company eyed the sky nervously, the clouds that had been wispy and white that morning were now darker and more dense. They quickened their pace, this was not the day to be caught in a delay. They were storming for the final battle, to assist Frodo in any way possible.

Aragorn's troops reached the Black Gate, unopposed. Now in their debate, some had counselled that Minas Morgul should first be assailed, and if they might take it, it should be utterly destroyed. Yet, the enemy this time was bigger in numbers. No one could speak urgently, because of the evil that dwelt in the valley, where the minds of living men would turn to madness and horror. For if the Ring-bearer had indeed attempted that way, they should aid him with all their last strength. Aragorn and his men finally arrived close to the Black Gate, they stood close by as the Gate appeared to be deserted.

Pippin, who was riding with Gandalf asked "Where are they?"

Aragorn turned his horse towards the gate. He was followed by Éomer, Gandalf, Merry, Pippin, Legolas, Ethir and Gimli. Along their path to reach the black gate, Ethir felt a strange dizziness. It was not because of her injuries. This time, she was the one dwelt, and drawn by the Eye of Sauron.

Aragorn addressed the large gates "Let the Lord of the Black Land come forth! Let justice be done upon him!"

There was a long silence, longer than it should be. From the wall and gate, no cry or sound was heard in answer. Yet, Sauron had already laid his plans, and he had a mind first to play these mice cruelly before he struck to kill them. The Dark Lord was driven by hate and anger to take down the Heir of Isildur and his bloodline.

The silence was broken suddenly, The black gate was thrown open with a great clang, and out of it, there came an embassy from the Dark Tower. A single rider appeared upon a dark horse. At its head there rode a tall and evil shape, mounted upon its horse. The face was a frightful mask, more like a skull than a living head, and in the sockets of its eyes and its nostrils there burned a flame. The only part of the rider appearing, besides a full helmet and armor, was a grotesque mouth. That rider was called 'Mouth of Sauron!'

"Is there anyone in this rout with authority to treat with me?" he asked, "Or indeed with to understand me? Not thou at least! " he mocked turning to Aragorn with scorn.

"We do not come to treat with Sauron, faithless and accursed. Tell your master this: The armies of Mordor must disband. He is to depart these lands, never to return." the wizard clarified as he was sitting on his horse.

The Mouth of Sauron responded "Old Greybeard. I have a token I was bidden to show thee." He revealed Frodo's Mithril shirt, holding it up. The Mouth Of Sauron threw the Mithril shirt to Gandalf. The wizard grabbed it and detailed looked at it.

Pippin called out "Frodo!"

"Silence," Gandalf demanded.

"No!" Merry shouted.

"Silence!" The wizard repeated.

"The halfling was dear to thee, I see. Know that he suffered greatly at the hands of his host. Who would've thought one so small could endure so much pain? And he did, Gandalf. He did." The mouth laughed wickedly mocking the ranger "And who is this? Isildur's heir? It takes more to make a king than a broken Elvish blade." He paused and turned to face Ethir "And this one? The Bloodline of Sauron? A lost cause, like her father."

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