The Last Debate

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The unusual pair had ended their kiss, which lasted longer than ever. The ellon kept his arms wrapped around the 'wicked girl' not wanting to remove them. The Adaneth leaned her head against his chest, resting there and listening to his heartbeat. The strange sound of Legolas' heartbeat kept her mind occupied for several minutes. It was tense and had a fast pace, relaxing nonetheless. The Ellon allowed his fingers to trace every curl of her hair, as a new game his fingers had figured out a few moments ago.

"What happened to my blade?" suddenly Ethir asked, as she was resting motionlessly against his bare chest.

Legolas gazed at her stopping teasing her curls, softly, letting his hands lay against the lower part of her back. "All the weapons, and pack sacks were placed at the entrance of the throne room in Minas Tirith," he said under his breath smiling at her.

Ethir lips curved upwards, drawing a smile on her pale face, as she rose her head and looked at him. His eyes tinkling, his appearance dazzling as ever making her heart skip a beat. Reminding her, how perfectly handsome he was. His scent was a mixture of the wooden pin and raining leaves. 'Annoying Ellon!' her mind yelled 'Too perfect in everything!' "Then I have to go change, Gimli and we can proceed to meet with Aragorn!"

"Are you feeling well enough to follow?" Legolas spoke, his tone still soft his finger brushing her hair off her face. "It is fair if you need to rest more!" he added filled with a strange joy.

Ethir reposed her hand against his and answered him in earnest "My wounds hurt, but nothing I cannot bear. I move freely, odd, I sense my healing came faster this time." She stepped back, spinning one time around herself. To prove she was feeling better. Only to feel dizzy and land on his feet. She blushed, embarrassed at the outcome. "No freely, but I surely can walk!"

Legolas grabbed her arm softly as she simply crushed it next to his feet. He smirked "Enough now, you do not need to fall on my feet any longer!" The tease made Ethir glare at him, as he helped her stand on her feet once again. "Let's meet outside the Houses of Healing when we are dressed then." she noticed he was not wearing his tunic or his armor.

Next, both got dressed. Legolas wore his sliver tunic, his light brown-green jacket, and his leather Mirkwood bracers. Ethir tiptoed back to the small room, without waking Gimli. She simply wore her boots and her jacket on the white dress. Legolas, showed up in the small room to wake up Gimli. It was not an easy task. The dwarf was deeply asleep. All left to go through the city, towards the throne room, they were eager to speak with Aragorn and see what would come next. Together all three the Elf, the Human girl, and the Dwarf entered Minas Tirith.

"Aragorn and Gandalf are waiting for you, come!" he said as his gaze fell on Ethir "My lady, Why are you here? Are you feeling well?"

Ethir softly gave him a half nod and half bow, "Do not worry Lord Éomer, I am fine and on my feet!"

Legolas overthrew himself next to Ethir, his hand behind her back, pushing her to follow him "The Lady, was part of the company all those months. Her place is between us!" he uttered annoyed.

Ethir rolled her eyes, happy to give the 'annoying Ellon' a piece of her mind for being rude. But the times did not seem wise to raise any conflict. Éomer chooses to ignore Legola's tone. Normally, he would face the Elf and demand an answer to his rudeness. As for the dwarf, he was speechless for his friend's outcry.

Finally, Aragorn, Gandalf, Éomer, Legolas, Gimli, and Ethir convened the council in the throne room at Minas Tirith. The debate had started, and the air was heavy, that surrounded them.

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