Fangorn Forest

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3019, February 29

The company of four had finally entered the Fangorn Forest. Aragorn was tracking the trail, trying to find any clues of the Hobbits. Ethir was following behind him. She was holding her sides from time to time to get her breath. Her injuries were still causing her to ache. Legolas walked behind her, he was overwhelmed with the forest age. Gimli walked last, he didn't seem to like the forest at all. For long minutes the four wandered through the Fangorn Forest, spaced out.

Legolas' mind was busy on many levels. First, he was worried about the hobbits. (Like the other three of his companions.) Secondly, he couldn't hide his joy, that he was crossing an old Forest like the Fangorn. Lastly, was the thought that was troubling him in many ways. Ethir. The Elf concluded, that Ethir was an important friend of his. He couldn't deny it any longer. He cared and worried about her like he cared and worried about Gimli. When Éomer threatened Gimli, he was ready to fire his bow. The same did he when he thought that it was Éomer's fault and Ethir ended up wounded.

He was astonished himself when he noted his hand trembling as he helped Ethir off the horse. Neither could he explain the anger he felt, the time he noticed how injured the 'wicked' human was. Legolas discovered a few things more. If she was grieving or injured, her dark aura wasn't strong. Like it had many stages. The elf would pause from time to time, gazing at her. He was sure, he could feel it more than the others. That she was injured and in pain. Though, he couldn't understand why she kept denying it. He never expected humans to be that complicated. Neither strong. She seemed stronger than any human maiden, he had seen. Though, he could guess why. Being a bloodline of Sauron might give her that kind of strength.

The human girl was also troubled. Now as she was rested and her mind was wheeling freely. She rewound yesterday's events. She noted how worried all three were. She cannot remember the last time someone was worried about her. Her life took another path since the day she followed Gandalf. 'Did that mean she had friends now?' Odd thoughts filled her head. She tried to bury those thoughts and ignore them. Though deep down, she knew, she had friends. Friends who worried about her. Friends who cared about her. A small sparkle fired up since the day they crossed and stayed at the Golden forest of Lórien. A sparkle that told her, she wasn't allowed. She had friends. However, with Friends come responsibilities. She had to worry, care, and help. 'That's why I don't want friends.' she thought. However, what she refused to understand was; that she already treated them as friends. And she cared and worried about them. Her pride was strong, her greed even deeper. She wouldn't easily admit, feelings like those.

She breathed deeply, really baffled. It seemed the Elf, confused her every day more and more. Like when Legolas raised his bow against Éomer, for her sake. The time he would let her lean against him, as he knew how weak she was. 'Annoying Elf he knows more than he should.' A thought filled her mind again. She could go on and on adding so many things that annoyed her. But deep down she was glad. She was thankful. She never told Legolas, how thankful she was. The Elf helped her so many times without asking any questions. He could guess what she needed in her weakest and worst moments. He would aid her, without asking or talking too much. After they found the hobbits, she should tell him. She should at least thank him.

"Orc blood!" Gimli cried suddenly getting everyone's attention. And breaking Legolas and Ethir's deep thinking.

Aragorn added, "These are strange tracks."

"The air is so close here," Gimli complained as he raised his axe.

"I do not think the wood feels evil, whatever tales may say. This forest is old. Very old. Full of memory and anger. So old that almost I feel young again, as I have not felt since I journeyed with you, children. It is old and full of memory." Legolas told them as he stood under the eaves of the forest, stooping forward, listening to the trees.

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