Houses Of Healing

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3019, March 15

In a little chamber further on the left was a smaller chamber. A stone bed, a fireplace, and a window surrounded the place. On the stone bed, laid Ethir. The maiden had brought warm water and bandages and Legolas had ripped the fabric close to her wounds. His confused and saddened Heart tried its best to stay focused on aiding her wounds. Gimli sat with him, seized at the view of the injured girl.

"Alas!" he said with a mournful tone of his voice "The arrow on her left leg did not pass through! Gimli aid me!" He softly turned Ethir on her right side, allowing Gimli to hold her down.

Gimli leaned closer, placing his hands over her shoulder "What poor luck lies on her!?" he murmured.

Legolas looked steadily and intently at her, as he placed his fingers around the arrow. He was chosen to do the hardest task. Yet, he could not linger. Suddenly, he felt a cold touch over his hands. He raised his fretted blue-gray eyes, only to find Ethir awoken.

"Legolas..." she spoke through her gasps and pain, biting her lips, not allowing any cry to be heard.

The Ellon softly led her hand away from the wound, "I cannot pull the arrow out! It did not pursue through your leg, the point of the arrow is still inside you. I have to push it through, " he explained in a trembling voice tormenting himself with the idea of pressing it.

Ethir nodded, her vision was blurred, but she had heard him. She could not answer, the pain was too much to bear. Legolas grabbed her hand and held it tight, as his other hand pressed the arrow. The action could not be slow, nor gentle, it would only cause more pain. He breathed in and pushed it at once through her leg. Ripping some more of her flesh and cloth. Blood floats out of her wound. He carefully broke the tip of the arrow and pulled out the rest of the arrow. As he had done earlier for the other two arrows.

The Adaneth could not withstand such pain, and fainted again, without making any sound. The maids cleaned the blood, over and over again. But the wounds needed to be treated. Legolas wished his knowledge to treat such deep and crucial wounds could exist. He once treated her with minor bruises.

"Gimli, go seek Aragorn! If he aided the others, ask him to come! There is not much I can do here!" Legolas admitted with a distressed heart.

The dwarf did as he was told. He ran through the corridors, without stopping until he stumbled across a weary Aragorn. Who had just assisted Faramir, Éowyn, and Merry? They needed still a lot of rest, but their lives were spread due to the healing of the ranger.

"Arg! Aragorn Quick come with me!" Gimli cried out as he grabbed the ranger's arm.

"Gimli, wait! Tell me what happened?" Aragorn wanted to know as he had never seen Gimli in such a hurry.

"Lass, got injured! And her wounds are severe! The Ellon treated her, but he could not do anything more! He asked for you!" Gimli explained with a very fast pace.

"Ethir? Why were we not informed?" he asked in earnest as he strolled on with Gimli.

"I think the Ellon tried not to bother any of you! As there were plenty to be treated." the dwarf answered pausing in front of the chamber where Ethir lay.

Aragorn, stepped inside, he rested his hand against Legolas's shoulder, and his gaze fell on Ethir "Mani Marte?" (What happened?)

"Amin dele ten' he! (I'm worried about her!) I only managed to draw out the arrows and clean the wounds. I cannot heal or stop the bleeding!" Legolas disclosed. He remembered the way the 'wicked girl' used to stop her bleeding from burning her flesh. He would not allow them to see any more scars like those, on her. "Tua amin, Mellon! (Help me, my friend!) the Ellon added.

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