Markedly Unusual

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Note: Legolas & Ethir Trailer {Part One}

In his dreams, he heard the sound of his children's feet, of their laughter and impromptu song lyrics. He was so asleep and so awake in his soul, reliving those perfect moments of fatherhood. There were days he'd recall those adventures of the nighttime and that loud morning during breakfast. And he was so handsome as he slept, that steady heart, those steady breaths, more than enough to make Ethir fall in love with him all over again. Her 'dazzling Ellon', was not only a deadly warrior, a royal prince and an amazing husband. The one thing he had mastered was being a father. It came so naturally, the most perfect feeling he had ever known had swept through him. He was rocked to his core, he knew he would do anything in the world for his children. He would be a hero, a keeper, and kept them safe. He would be their father.

For four years now his life in Mirkwood has been happier than he ever imagined. He had his family, his friends, his father, and his people. There was so much love surrounding them, that all the darkness and sorrow of his world had fainted away. He still had to ride and protect the borders. He never managed to agree with the royal court. There were times he found Ethir unbelievably annoying and foolish. Gimli was too stubborn and he was still wondering 'Why he was friends with a dwarf!?' Times he wished to be left alone and not to babysit. Yet, everything seemed right.

Last night, the coldness reached into his bones, as if a dark icy wind slammed into it. Other than the darkness and himself all that seemed to exist was the chilly wind whose harsh bite could be felt through his skin. Elves cannot feel cold. (At least not like humans were.) Something was wrong during that forsaken night. He could feel the hairs on his arm raised and the bite of the wind had left its mark. His blood ran cold through his veins and his bones were chilled. Yet, beyond the coldness, he could not wake up. The darkness came strong and lured him into its deep shadows. It made him dwell most of the night.

At dawn when he finally woke up, he already knew. Something dark was at work. He ran towards Raeve's bedchamber and found her awake and crying. Ethir was already with her trying to stop her cries and fears. "You noticed it too. Last night Legolas. I cannot assign a meaning, but I felt it through my core. I blacked out. I found moments later, Reaves in this state." Ethir said when she saw Legolas walking inside the room.

The Ellon walked over and sat next to the bed wrapping his arms around her and Raeves. "It was a cold and eerie night!" he lied pushing their worries away. "In the morning everything shall be alright," he added. He kept his arm strongly around them like he needed to protect them both. "How is Aaron?"

Ethir rested against him. The Ellon's arm could still smooth all her worries. "A very dark and eerie night it was!" she agreed. Her fingers kept softly rubbing Raeve's back which was lying in bed neither sleeping nor talking. "Aaron is still asleep and well!" she assured him.

Legolas softly leaned over and placed a kiss on Ethir's forehead and next a soft kiss on Raeves'. Action he would do every day showing how dear his wife and children were. "Ethir I'll stay with Raeves. Have some rest," he whispered gazing at her.

Ethir smiled and leaned against Legolas. She felt so worried hours ago. As the darkness consumed her and caused her to fall into deep sleep. She lost her senses, like when Sauron vanished from this world. It reminded her of those dark days. Back then, she did not mind the shadow and the darkness. She was on her own. She did not care if she lived or died. It was different now. She had so many reasons to stay alive. Raeves, Aaron, Legolas, Herself even Thranduil. Living under the light for so long, she started being terrified of the darkness.

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