Forest of Great Fear

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Author's Note:

Warning: Concepts contained in this chapter include Thranduil! You were warned! ^_^

Disclaimers: I don't own any of the characters, places, names, etc (only the OC). It all belongs to J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson.

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Mirkwood was originally called Greenwood, the forest formed once part of the vast primeval woodland that covered most of Middle-earth during the Years of the Trees, possibly linked to Lothlórien across the Anduin. Unwilling to cross the Misty Mountains, these Silvan Elves settled also in the wooded valleys of the river Anduin. They were known as Silvan or Wood-elves. The Old Forest Road was constructed very early in Greenwood's history by the Long Beard Dwarves to carry traffic between their territory in the Misty Mountains to Erebor, and the Iron Hills.

Its boundaries were roughly rectangular: stretching from the foothills of the Grey Mountains in the north to the North deep in the south and from the east edge of the vale of Anduin to Erebor. The Forest River cut through the forest's northern end from its source in the western Grey Mountains, joined in the center by the Enchanted River which flowed north from the Mountains of Mirkwood.

At the beginning of the Third Age Thranduil replaced Oropher as king of the Woodland Realm. Probably as a result of massive losses at the Battle of Dagorlad, the Silvan population of Greenwood was diminished and became mainly concentrated in the hills then known as Emyn Duir. Sauron's arrival caused a darkening of Greenwood, and at this point, it became known as Mirkwood. Giant spiders, as well as bats and orcs in Dol Guldur's service, occupied the forest and it became thicker, darker, and covered in cobwebs. This caused the Silvan Elves of Mirkwood to retreat even further, residing exclusively in the Elvenking Halls at the eastern end of the Forest River. The ancient Old Forest Road was abandoned by men and Dwarves alike, with a new but seldom-used path being made further from Dol Guldur and the Hobbits near the forest's eastern border migrated away.

Even if Sauron was defeated and the ring was destroyed, Mirkwood was still dealing with giant spiders, bats, and oars that survived. The forest was always occupied, and the men of Thranduil were still guarding the borders of Elvenking's Halls at the eastern end of the Forest River. The captain of his men was no longer with them and was replaced by Tauriel. The Elleth had returned to Mirkwood.

Tauriel went through many paths and adventures until she managed to find Kili's mother. She fulfilled her promise and gave the stone to the dwarf woman. She explained that her son died to save her. She told her that she had fallen in love with Kili and the rest of her life her heart would be his. Until the day she would sail with the rest of her kin. Years after, when she had no other place to run, she returned to Mirkwood. Although, Thranduil claimed she was banned from Mirkwood. After a few months of punishment, she was held in prison. The Elven-King changed his mind, the Elleth was accepted back and was announced to be captain.

All hope was gone, and neither Tauriel nor Thranduil believed that they would meet with Legolas ever again. Yet, today few new arrivals would take them by surprise.

Legolas, Gimli, and Ethir were led over a bridge and into the Woodland Realm. After they passed through, Tauriel addressed the guards of the gate. They crossed paths with the Elleth half a day ago. She was baffled when she crossed blades with Legolas.

"Ú-dangada?" (Who could say?) she questioned when she noted Legolas. She smiled at him firmly.

"Pedithig?" (Do you not think?) Legolas replied as he responded with the same smile. As he gave his old friend a firm hug.

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