Distinguishing a friend from a foe!

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Author's Note:

'Fëa' ('fëar' in plural form) means 'soul' or 'spirit in Quenya. Hröa (Hröar in plural form) means 'body'. Now, the Elven bond is related to the Communion on a deep spiritual level (the 'Fëa'). An Elves can form a mystical and unbreakable bond, depending on how strong their 'Fëa' is. Sometimes this bond is formed with all the pomp and ceremony of certain Human marriage, and at other times, it is a quiet and personal thing. For each Elf, it is different, as different as love itself. That's how Ethir and Legolas are already bonded, yet their bond is not strong enough. As Ethir's 'Fëa' was not fully grown yet. I hope this answers your questions. ^_^

Disclaimers: I don't own any of the characters, places, names, etc (only the OC). It all belongs to J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson.

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The next morning was finally there, Ethir found herself with many questions. Her memory was not back. There were pieces here and there, that slowly were building. Her 'Fëa' was awake, yet not fully blended in with the rest of her lost self. Confused as to why she was even staying in Mirkwood, yet her inner voice was suggesting to her it was the right place to be. There was not a single thought of Legolas. Only an annoying reflection inside her mind, as if they were coming from another person. 'How was that even possible, another person's thoughts to find their way inside her brain?'

Slowly time passed. She dedicated her mornings to practice and training. Her old useful self would ask (or better demand) for the Elvenking himself to spend some of his time at her aid. True be told, Ethir did not ask for Thranduil's help. One morning she stormed inside his training grounds and demanded his attention. Maybe she had lost her recent memories, but she knew exactly how powerful the Elvenking was. Who could better help her regain herself? At first, he rejected and denied, spar or train his son's 'Adaneth'. However, Ethir's persistence won in the end. And having the 'Adaneth' every morning around to spar with became a must for the Elvenking. Of course, she had not won his heart or his allowance. Yet, Thranduil admitted that the boring days around the Mirkwood were slowly vanishing.

The rest of the day, Ethir settled around the Elvenking's Halls as she was looking to find a secret. Oddly enough, she was allowed to cross most of the chambers without being denied access. She was treated with respect like she had some kind of authority. She discovered there should be a reason she was treated like that. It raised her curiosity more, which meant any thoughts of leaving Mirkwood were out of the question. She had to break through the mysteries and why she was so important.

There was an Elleth always helping her, Nienna. She slowly balances between which elves she could trust and which she should be careful with. Like Alaesa. The she-elf called Alaesa, was another mystery for Ethir. She would meet with her at least once a day, even if it was not in Ethir's plans. Alaesa tried always to remind 'how important she was.' The Elleth, clearly told her who she was and what her status was around the Elvenking's court. As Alaesa did before, she was trying to belittle Ethir in her way. But the problem was now, Ethir was no longer the same person. Before she was lost, with half of herself gone. And now even with her memory lost, she seemed more whole than ever. She ignored Alaesa's status.

Honestly, why would she even care about that royal Elleth? Indeed Alaesa was pretty and would leave an impact. Good for her, why would Ethir care? And as many times Alaesa tried to remind her, she found only a wall and 'not carrying' Ethir. Leaving Alaesa furious. The Elleth even told her that she would be a more suitable mate for Legolas. Again, Ethir was not affected by her words. 'Why would she care? And who was Legolas?' In the end, Alaesa was not sure if pushing Ethir inside the Enchanted River was the best idea she had.

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