Narv- ráw

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The thundering of hooves split the silence as two stallions galloped through the forest. The wind whipped his mane into the air like flames; after all one horse was as a flame-colored chestnut. Ellin was his name. The other had a brighter color and was called Arod. His muscles rippled from under his freshly groomed pelt and his powerful legs. They propelled them forward and kept them going as they powered over the land of Mirkwood. Gimli rode on Ellin and Aaron was riding with him. In front of them ran Arod with Legolas and Raeves.

Earlier, Legolas and his friend were debating if they should leave Mirkwood and seek safety for the children. "Minas Tirith!" said Legolas "The white city stands strong and has an army in numbers and power to protect its people. Therefore, Raeves and Aaron will be safe there."

"What are we waiting for then Lad?" Gimli cried loudly and clapped his hands "But that is not the only reason you want us to ride to Gondor?"

"Aye! I am confident that Gandalf can identify the sorcery whirled around Raeves." Legolas replied.

Gimli laughed and nodded. He tapped his friend on the shoulders "About Lassy?" he was concerned.

"We cannot outrun Ethir. Neither can we waste our time by taking the route through Lothlórien. Our target is to reach Minas Tirith. Ethir will eventually meet us there with Haldir. The priority now is Aaron and Raeves. We will figure out the rest later." Legolas ensured his friend.

"And your father?" Gimli questioned before they had woken up the children and got ready to leave.

The Ellon cast a serious glance at Gimli "The ElvenKing can take care of himself and his keep. He will be fine, until we return."

"Laddy, you have seen what he is dealing with. I am worried you will end up with a new mother!" said Gimli. He still recalled the way Alaesa behaved when she ordered to take down the Queen's drawing. He did not say anything to Legolas, but that Elleth acted like a blood-seeking orc.

Legolas glared at the open view in front of him Alaesa's act was still alive in his memory, as well as his father's reaction. He had never seen his father accept defeat. He was troubled about Thranduil. He was worried about Ethir. However, he was sure both were strong enough to take care of themselves. And both would agree with him that the priority was the children. "I know Gimli. Yet, that is his battle. Ours is to secure Aaron and Raeves' safety. And find out what we are dealing with!"

"Let's hope we will last and be back in time!" Gimli added with Legolas agreeing with him.

The horses ran with the others for hours and they only stopped for an hour or two to rest. They took with them enough Lembas to eat and water to drink. The only reason why Legolas made sure that they would stop and rest, was the horses. Maybe riding for so many days was not easy either for them or the kids. But the horses did all the running. That meant he had to be sure they were well-rested and fed to keep going. The dwarf complained all day long, he did not like riding horses. And he ended up riding a quite powerful and tall stallion. He was saved a few times by Legolas, who prevented him from falling. At least Aaron was not complaining and cooperated through the journey. Gimli was surprised at how well-behaved hy was when the situation was serious.

Legolas could not say the same about Raeves. His daughter liked riding and was not scared. Yet, the young one did not feel very well. Her energy had dropped and she was mostly sleeping through the journey. Making Ellon more worried and confused about what caused such up-normal behavior. For days they rode as fast as they could only taking small breaks. Neither Legolas nor Gimli had slept. No sleep or rest, only riding to reach the white city. In the past five years, they had taken the ride to Minas Tirith many times and enjoyed the ride. Yet, it was different now. It felt like they would never reach the city alive.

The Unforgiven { Legolas x OC - LotR Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now