Smitten intoxication of that one night!

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Author's Note:

Warning: Concepts contained in this chapter include semi-sensual scenes. Should I rate it 'M'? ^_^

Disclaimers: I don't own any of the characters, places, names, etc (only the OC). It all belongs to J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson.

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She was neither so unjust nor so ungrateful, as to affirm a behavior change was needed; but it was left to her on such terms as destroying half her value as a fighter. In her short years, she was tied up to live a life so distinctly and economically severe; to the llay-fortune and improvement world of the Elves. When she gave her promise to Legolas, she meditated within herself to increase herself to stand as an Elleth. An Elleth worthy, to be named his partner for life. She thought of it all day long, and for many days successively, and she did not repent. She was not an ill-disposed young girl, unless to be rather cold-hearted and selfish was to be ill-disposed. Yet she was, well respected and loved by Legolas. The Ellon recognized her full worth, without asking her to change herself. Just to smooth her way around the Elvenking and to conduct herself with propriety in her ordinary duties.

Duties, that kept Ethir busy all day long. She never could imagine, how many tasks or duties an Elleth should already know. Her mornings were filled with Nienna, who was supposed to teach her about the dressing code and body language of a Nobel Elleth. Truth be told, Ethir's way of standing, walking, and moving was an awful combination of a dwarf's moves. Most of the time She reminded me of Gimli. And since they reached Mirkwood, her body was reacting in the worst way possible. As it was opposing to go through any changes, just to please Thranduil. Nienna was baffled if she had even Elven blood inside her. She had met with Human ladies, that had more glory and nobility, than this 'Elleth'.

Around noon, she met with high noble Ellith and Ellyn and was taught a variety of matters She was taught, to write and speak correctly Nandorin. She had to learn the customs, the duties imposed by law on imported. To skill in the traditions of the Sindarin and Silva Elves. Their history, politics, and different points of view. She was lacking in any way possible. Honestly, she was stressed so much that he had even forgotten everything she had learned all the years. She seemed so uneducated and far from the Ethir she once was.

And if she ended up having some free time, she would be summoned by Nienna or Tauriel. Both have reached a point where they thought of Ethir as their friend. They tried their best to help her, slowly adjust to her new reality. Yet, they found her slowly falling further and further away.

A month had passed and she had to keep herself busy. She only saw Legolas in the morning, while having breakfast with everyone else. All day she was busy. Legolas wwithdrewiintotheir chamber around midnight, and she was already fast and deeply asleep. The Ellon was not in a different position. He had to deal with all the details, he had missed all these years he was away. Sometimes, he was away for days keeping a watch around the borders. Even with the War won, there were still Orcs, Goblins, and spiders to deal with. Gimli and Tauriel, rode with him and Ethir was left behind.

She meant not to be unkind, however, as ma ark of her affection for Legolas; disappointment was at the first stern in a manner; but her temper tried to be cheerful and sanguine, and she might reasonably hope for those emotions to draw away in time. How wrong she was! She had reached a point where her advice was effective her possession of understanding reached zero, and her coolness of judgment was no more. Her mind wheeled against her in any way possible. She found no reason, why she was even bothering to go through so much trouble.

Legolas was not there any longer. And even if he was they would meet like strangers, and have breakfast. The discussions were limited to the Elvenking, and not many words were exchanged. Her abilities to show respect sensibility, and cleverness; arouse her eagerness in everything. Her sorrows, her joys had no moderation. She was no longer the generous, amiable, and interesting 'wicked adorneth If she was, she would knock some reason to that 'annoying Ellon' of hers. Was she even allowed to call him 'hers'?

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