The Tomb Of Balin

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The Group of nine and the outcast surrounded the tomb of Balin. There was only a small light passing through a small hole against the wall. That simple, light was enough to brighten the room. Frodo remembered the days when Bilbo spoke about his friendship with the dwarf. That dusty chamber seemed like a forgotten place in time, filled with dust. A dwarf and Goblin skeletons were piled high. In the far corner sat a stone walled Well. Gandalf gave his staff and hat to Pippin, as he bent down, and took a large and battered book from a corpse's hand. At length, the company of the nine (well ten) stirred and looked up, and began to search for anything that would give them tidings of Balin's fate, or show what had become of them. Though, it seemed that the answer lay in Gandalf and the book he had just found.

Gandalf carefully picked up the rotting remains of the book from the white stone slab. Legolas would lift his gaze at the entrance of the chamber. Two skeletons of dwarfs lay there. However, those corpses were not what he was looking at. It seemed he could feel something wrong. And he wasn't the only one. Ethir could sense a threat in the air.

Gimli, as well as Frodo, stood close to the wizard, as he gingerly turned the leaves, that they were written by many different hands, in runes, both of Moria and of Dale, and here and there in Elvish script.

"We must move on, we cannot linger!" the elf suggested, as he was facing Aragorn. The odd feeling was getting closer. It was the first time Ethir would agree with the 'annoying' Elf. They shouldn't remain there.

Gimli, who was still sad finding his kin all dead was whispering a type of 'prayer' in Khuzdul "Kilmin malur ni zaram kalil ra narag. Kheled-zâram, Balin tazlifi." (A crown of stars in the cold, black water of Kheled-zaram. Durin sleeps.)

Gandalf looked up, after reading a few of the first pages of the book "It seems to be a record of the fortunes of Balin's folk..." he said as he slowly turned at the last and read "We drove out orcs from the great gate and guard..." it seemed to be written in Elfish and Gandalf could translate some of it.

"They have taken the Bridge and the second hall: we have barred the gates...but cannot hold them for long...the ground shakes...drums in the deep...we cannot get out. A shadow moves in the dark. Will no- one save us? They are coming." The wizard concluded and for a simple moment, silence took over.

Gandalf had hardly spoken these words when there came a great noise. Like a rolling Boom, like something had fallen into the depths far below, and to tremble in the stone at their feet. Seconds earlier, Pippin backed away nervously and Merry tried to hold him before he fell. An armored skeleton clatters down the deep echoing loudly.

The Fellowship glanced around uncomfortably.

Again, silence.

Gandalf whipped around. He slammed the book shut and turned angrily on Pippin "Fool of a Took! Throw yourself in next time and rid us of your stupidity!" He pulled his hat and staff from the Hobbit's hands. He turned away. Pippin stood still, awkwardly.


'Doom, doom!'

Doom, doom, doom it rolled again, like vast drums. Drums were heard booming. The sounds of the drums became louder. Then there came an echoing blast. A great horn was blown in the hall, and answering horns and harsh cries were heard further off. Gandalf slowly turned back, and Pippin too, stared down into the well.

'Doom, doom!'

More drums are heard booming. There was a hurrying sound of many feet and harsh cries.

"They are coming!" cried Legolas.

Ethir placed her hand over her sword "They found us!" she uttered.

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