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Author's Note:

Warning: Concepts contained in this chapter include semi-sensual scenes.

Disclaimers: I don't own any of the characters, places, names, etc (only the OC). It all belongs to J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson.

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Fourth Age, Forth Year January 1st

"What!?" Faramir saw the shock register on her face before she could hide it "How is this possible? When did they arrive?" Ethir asked question after question in confusion. She abandoned her stallion to the stable boy and climbed at high speed through the White City. She ignored Faramir, even Haldir, who was strolling behind. She only picked up any line that was helping her to navigate through the city. "Are we there yet?" asked Ethir, panting. They hadn't walked for more than an hour yet and they still had few levels until they reached the seventh. Any answers were once more refrained from noticing.

On the city's higher point, she began running through the streets. There were rules of conduct which way to follow and how strongly to pace around the King's house. A small smile played on her lips, as her footsteps halted. Ethir rested her hand against her wounded side and her breaths quickened. She became aware of a young boy tangling into a sword fight with another. They were swinging their wooden swords and declaring war, upon each other's cities. Her eyes stayed with them, the beating sounds of wood clashing against wood capturing her mind in the most calming of ways.

Aaron bounced in high bluff like he was balancing to music only he could hear. His head and arms went up and down while his face was a picture of concentration, waiting to read Eldarion's next stroke. "I will summon a higher Elf power and conquer your city human!" Aaron yelled a few lines he recalled he had been read by his grandfather. Ethir noted Thranduil's tone in his words.

"You can try..." Eldarion lifted his arm and aimed his wooden blade at him thinking of his response "You can try Elf! My army, Thousands of Gondorians, will answer back!"

Aaron dodged the attack balanced through rock and ground and secured Eldarion's wooden sword against the nearest wall "Your groups can't avail them in their battle. Even if they hold High numbers. They are still mortal!" Aaron spoke proudly.

Eldarion raised an eyebrow as he drew back his fake sword "They might be human. Yet, we protect the White city with our lives." he comforted Aaron and swayed his swords. Aaron raised his sword to his defense.

Suddenly, both swords were blocked and collided with two other wooden swords. They were smaller in form and held by the same person. "Fools. Both cities appertain to me." she smirked "Mirkwood as I hail from there. And Gondor as the upcoming Queen!"

Aaron frowned and pulled his wooden blade back "Raeves you know how to spoil our game! Times were better, while you were sleeping!" her brother complained.

He followed and withdrew his fake sword. Confused Aragorn's son tilted his head "Queen of Gondor?" he quizzed. He placed his sword away and looked at the twins.

"My sister has already decided she will wed you! Meaning eventually she will be the Queen of Gondor." Aaron defined swinging his sword playfully "Though dear sister If you are the Queen of Gondor. Your rights as a ruler of Mirkwood will be declined. In that case, I will be the King. And conquer Gondor."

Eldarion was befuddled "She will? Me? I did not agree upon this!"

"You have. But you don't know it yet!" Raeves replied and held both of her blades ready for attack "Brother, I will never be allowed it!" She yelled and charged against Aaron. Their fake battle went on for a few long moments.

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