Do you promise?

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The men of the East were returning to Minas Tirith. The battle was won. Tidings beyond hope from the Lords of the West were crying and sang, as they returned home. Aragorn was riding next to Legolas. Ethir leaning against the Ellon, his arms around her holding her close. Gimli was riding behind them, trying to deal with the horse that was given to him.

"How is she?" the Heir of Isildur asked the Ellon, as he looked at Ethir with trouble.

"Her breathing is steady. Yet, no sign of life. I am worried Aragorn." Legolas answered as he stared at her, making sure that she was breathing.

"We all are Legolas. Give her some time. The darkness of Sauron had its effect against her." the ranger said, as he was also influenced by the dark Lord.

"I cannot tell Aragorn. Yet, the darkness that could draw and dwell is no longer," he said.

"The ring was destroyed. And Sauron was defeated. That darkness should also be gone." the ranger rendered understandable "My thoughts have often turned to you, and seldom more than once these days. But let us speak more of these things upon the open road. Where does your heart lay Legolas?"

The Ellon tightened his grip around her waist, as his face rested close to her shoulder "My heart, My heart lies with her. Those strange feelings, that we are evolved enough to be trusted with it. And honestly, how can we? How can be trusted, with such powerful senses? I have to stand in this world for almost five hundred years. I have met with Elleth, the purest and prettiest. I have fought many battles. And I have always found myself to be wise. At least wiser than the mortals. Yet, here I am and I cannot will my heart. I cannot refuse the urge, the need to be close to this Adaneth."

"This is madness, Legolas! You know it already. She is only human. You are an elf, a Sindarin elf, Prince of the Woodland Realm. How could this union be?" Aragorn asked very seriously.

"It cannot be! I know that Aragorn. I am not a Half-Elf. Neither, am I as strong to choose a mortal life. Yet, I cannot live apart from her. What had started like a wicked dwell, ended up being a strong power, like the strange eerie power of love. I am doomed, and on my side-fall, I feel the luckiest Elf alive." Legolas simply murmured under his breath.

"Legolas! If your heart lies there truly, do not linger. Do not be afraid." Aragorn advised him in earnest "Have you spoken with her? Where does her heart lie?"

"I am not afraid, my friend. Not any longer. Since that day, I almost lost her. My heart is hers, that does not change. Yet, this union cannot happen. I do not know where her heart dwells. I do believe she thinks, this is madness too. She has shown some true feelings towards me, nonetheless." Ellon answered honestly.

"Lie low, Lad!" said Gimli, who suddenly rode forward towards them, "Why would she even be drawn by you? You are an Elf. And as Lassy clarified many times 'An annoying Elf'. There are many good men out there." he went on mocking the Ellon.

"And suppose you are one of them Gimli?" Aragorn asked him playfully.

"I could be one. I am what a human lady would choose!" The dwarf said proudly, "Than the pointing elfin." Aragorn and Legolas tilted their heads and laughed.

It had been overcast since she had woken. Her eyes were still shut, but she was awake. At first, she assumed that it was too early to be up, the light hardly penetrated her eyes. She could recall, the time when 'the eye of Sauron' was perishing from this world. She fell into darkness until darkness was no more. Then there was nothingness, only a blank space. After some moments of trying to return to sleep, she poked her head against something smooth. She felt two strong arms wrapped around her. A smell, of a spring day had an orbit around her. Then, she heard voices. People were talking. And she could recognize the voices.

The Unforgiven { Legolas x OC - LotR Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now