Confronting Legolas

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The heat from the campfire seemed to be sucked into the frigid air before ever reaching her frozen hands. "What an Irony" Ethir mumbled to herself. It has been now around 5 years since she knew that through her veins ran elven blood. Yet her body still reacted as if it was human. She still needed to sleep and rest. She still felt cold. Was she an Elf? Her fast healing and great stamina gave away that she properly was. She added more wood and poked it with a long stick. The fire seemed to die a little as if unsure of itself, unready to devour the new offerings.

Ethir pulled a blanket over her shoulders and sighed. She was already 5 days riding and she was only a few miles away from Mirkwood. It would take her longer than she thought to reach Lorien. And then she had more days to add to reach Gondor. She rode that road so many times, and yet she never felt that it was so lonely and far. There was no faster way to contact Haldir or Gandalf. Time was not on her side. She was worried. She did not express all her fears to Legolas. But she was troubled about Reaves.

The scary thoughts looped around in her mind until there was no room for anything else. The "loop" played like this "If Reaves was inflicted with any kind of curse, would she be back on time to help her. If the darkness of the north was powerful enough, to cause Thranduil open to attacks and vulnerable to defend. How was she sure, that she would be back on time to protect her family?" Ethir wrapped her arms around her body as she rocked herself gazing at the fire burning low. She prayed to the Valar for the first time to keep them safe. She wished there could be a way to shorten her distance and bring her to her destination.

However, a miracle did not happen that night. Her way towards Lorien would be long and lonely, with no help by her side. She drifted asleep for a few hours haunted by nightmares and strong fears. The fearless shadow that night was not fearless nor a shadow. She was just like every other woman, worried about her family. Worried and unable to help them. She was helpless and worn. Admitting defeat she allowed herself a few more hours of rest before the sun rose and she would be on her way.

Legolas did not rest that night either. He allowed Raeves and Aaron to sleep inside Ethir and his bed-chamber to keep an eye on them. He was sitting against the armchair with his thoughts spaced out. Maybe Ethir did not inform him of all her worries. Yet, their bond was enough for him to know how scared and sad his wife was. "I should never let her ride alone. What was I thinking? Fool!" the Ellon accused himself numerous times.

Suddenly, he felt a small tag on his Tunic. He lowered his gaze and found Reave's fingers tangled against the fabric asking for his attention. Legolas put on a mask and hit his worries about his daughter. He smiled at her and picked her up "What is wrong Raeves?" he quizzed in a soft tone.

The young one wrapped her arms around Legolas and hugged him. "Father, I can't sleep..." she whispered in a wiping tone. "Aaron is annoying me?"

Legolas lightly smiled and tapped her shoulders "Would you like to sleep on the couch then!" he suggested and stood walking her over to the couch and softly placing her down. Next, he grabbed her pillows and covers and tackled her. "Is this better?" Legolas asked her as he knelt next to her and stroked her hair from her face.

Raeves nodded and grabbed his hand and held it tightly. "Father.." she mumbled and cast a glance at Legolas. "why can't we sleep in our rooms? Why was Mother allowed to leave? And why are you and Gimli watching over us?"

Legolas raised his eyebrow at his daughter's questions. He already knew by now how clever, observant, and stubborn the young one was. The reason why each child had his bedroom, was Raeves doing. She was around 2 years old and almost capable of speaking when she demanded a bed and a room of her own. The extraordinary wish was granted because her mother (as well as Thranduil) found it a sign of independence. So, after a few weeks, Raeves had her room and an attitude. After that incident, Raeves slowly figured out how to get what she wanted. Honestly, Legolas and Thranduil would give in after a few puppy gazes and an "I love you." Ethir was the only that managed to deny her successfully. But she did not win always, because Legolas and Thranduil had already agreed. Her words could not win.

The Unforgiven { Legolas x OC - LotR Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now