Gate of Moria

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Author's Note:

Instead of a long Chapter of Moria, I decided to break it into smaller.

I don't own any of the characters, places, names, etc (only the OC). It all belongs to J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson.

"I was wrong after all! I had only to speak the Elvish word for 'friend' and the doors opened. Quite simple! Let's go inside." Said Gandalf. He added a crystal to the top of his staff. He strode forward and set his foot on the lowest step. Aragorn followed last, casting a last glance at the water. Out from the water, a long, sinuous tentacle had crawled; and one more trailed. Moonlight brightened into a shadowy chamber.

Gimli couldn't wait to meet his Kin "Soon, Master Elf, you will enjoy the fabled hospitality of the Dwarves! Roaring fires, malt beer, ripe meat off the bone. This, my friend, is the home of my cousin, Balin. And they call it a mine. A mine!"

Gandalf got his hand around his staff, blowing upon the crystal and the chamber glowed. Ethir took only a fast glance around, she was more worried about the waters. She let her hand rest against her blade and paused. She gazed at the Elf, who seemed also to be awoken at the raw feeling.

Boromir could see better now, broken and battered forms across the long shadow "This is no mine, it's a tomb!" he shouted.

The dwarf is saddened seeing his kin crushed against the ground "Oh! No! Noooo!"

The human girl, remained close to the gate as she had not entered yet. She didn't look scared, she had seen bones before. And things worse than bones. She was not worried, much of those. Still, her attention was elsewhere. She turned to gaze at the water.

Legolas walked deeper inside, forgetting the waters. He pulled out an arrow from the body of a fallen Dwarf, examined it, and cast it away. "Goblins!" he voiced up, as he fitted an arrow to his bow. Aragorn and Boromir drew out their swords. Ethir last pulled the sword a few inches off its case, waiting like something would strike.

"We make for the Gap of Rohan. We should never have come here. Now get out of here, get out!" Boromir voiced.

The four Hobbits were backing toward the door. Something stirred in the water behind them. Frodo felt something seize him by the ankle, and he fell with a cry.

Sam, Merry, and Pippin called out "Frodo!"

Its fingered end had hold of Frodo's foot and was dragging him into the water. Sam on his knees was now slashing at it with a knife and yelling at Aragorn "Strider! Get off him! Strider!"

Aragorn and Boromir rushed forward. Ethir drew her sword, suddenly and cut the very start of another tentacle that was getting closer. She ran towards the Hobbits, who were clutching at Frodo attempting to keep him away from the water as more tentacles wrapped around him.

The water creature released Frodo. It almost hid under the water. Yet, more tentacles came rippling out at once. Slapping the other Hobbits aside and grabbing Frodo around the leg. He was pulled out over into the air. Boromir and Aragorn rushed into the water and attacked the beast. Ethir, ran to the other side trying to cut as many tentacles as she could. She gazed up at the Elf, thinking what he was doing. "Legolas!" she shouted loudly, getting his attention.

Legolas ran out onto the shore and shot. His arrow pierces a tentacle wrapping itself over Frodo's face. His arrows fired like burning flames. Ethir glanced over a few times. She had never seen someone being that fast and accurate. She rolled her eyes and lifted her blade up. Her moves were balanced and harsh. The elf cast a few gazes at the blade.

Frodo called out again "Strider!"

Aragorn and Boromir were still fighting with the monster. It flung Frodo wildly in the air. Despite the Fellowship's efforts, the Hobbit was lowered towards a gaping maw in the water, ringed by fangs, set in a gilt face. Aragorn sliced through the tentacle holding Frodo, who fell into Boromir's arms.

"Into the Mines! Up! Quick!" Shouted Gandalf leaping back. Rousing them from the horror that seemed to have rooted.

"Legolas!" Boromir said, trying to get the Elf to follow them.

Aragorn and Boromir retreated. Boromir ran for the gates with Frodo as a huge tentacle snaking them. Legolas took aim and shot. His arrow hits the beast's right eye, and it recoils with a roar. He glanced at Ethir, who continued to retreat. She cycled the sword, letting the blade cut deeper against the nearest tentacle.

"Run!" Aragorn yapped.

Gandalf considered, what word would close the gate again from within. Legolas aimed and fired a few arrows against the tentacles close to Ethir. The impact of the arrows was close enough, for her to notice. Only then did she gaze up at him. Legolas glanced at the Gate of Moria pointing that everyone was fleeing that way. She didn't wait and followed. Many coiling tentacles seized the doors on either side and with horrible strength, swung them round. As the Fellowship raced into Moria, the sea creature reached out and tore the gates shut. Slabs of rocks dropped and the roof of the passageway caved in. The Fellowship stared back as the last rays of moonlight disappeared.

"The passage is blocked behind us now and there is only one way out... On the other side of the mountains. I fear of the sounds that boulders have been piled up, and the trees uprooted and thrown across the gate." the wizard explained.

"I felt that something horrible was near, from the moment that my foot first touched the water," said Frodo.

Boromir muttered under his breath like he was scared of the place. "This place cannot be trusted. We should never come here," he said again.

A faint light rose from Gandalf's staff, throwing a Creepy Glow across the old wizard's face. "We now have but one choice. We must face the long dark of Moria," he said. He passed on ahead up the great steps, he held his staff aloft, and from its tip, there came a faint radiance.

Slowly everyone was on their feet following Gandalf. The darkness didn't bother Ethir. She started feeling like she was at home. Although, it seemed that Moria held more secrets. Legolas gave her a fast look and bypassed her. Earlier, he had observed her blade. His elfish eyes caught most of the details it was made of. He was sure he had seen, a similar blade before. Though, the one that Ethir was holding, seemed to slide differently. When the time was right, he would place his questions.

The company of nine, and the outcast had now only one way to go... Through the darkness of Moria.

((Next Chapter: 10))

[last edit 2021/04/17]

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