Mereth en draugr -im

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As the second day of their riding drew on, the air became heavier. Háma and Gamling rode to the front of the column. Legolas was only a few steps behind scanning the surroundings. Ethir found herself in the middle of the column, as the farmers gossiped about her. There were a few that had noticed her enter Legolas' chamber and spend the night there. Gríma's accusations found ground. She ignored the buzz around her name and moved on, close to where Gimli and Théoden were.

"You must be stubborn like my niece?" Théoden suddenly asked her.

Ethir, who was dealing with a bigger problem, her heavy gown slowed her down, responded "Lady Èowyn! She is a fine Lady. Royal blood and bravery. Though she has still a lot to learn. There is a difference between rushing into a fight, and fighting to protect your people."

"You even young in age your words are wise," Théoden said.

"Don't mind me, Théoden King. I walked my dangers and found my answers. Lady Èowyn will walk hers." she told him, softly bowed in respect and walked next to Gimli. If she stayed any longer she would end up saying something wrong. And she didn't want to be rude.

Moments later a voice grabbed her attention, "You are staring at Lady Èowyn too long. It's not polite."

"Ah! Gimli!" she said surprised "I was just curious about her. She seems to be interested in Aragorn."

"You don't think she likes the lad?" Gimli asked her as he turned to face her.

Ethir rubbed her head, "I'm the last person, who would ask such a thing." she said "I may be wrong. Forget I even said that."

Suddenly, Legolas cried "A scout!", as he killed it.

Théoden riding on his horse, alarmed asked "What is it? What do you see?"

"Wags! We are under attack!" the ranger shouted notifying everyone. The villagers panic. The riders rode off the column to face them, as the King ordered them to ride ahead and away from the queue.

Ethir drew her blade and ripped the lower side of the gown. From the hip and down. She was wearing her black pants beneath, and her boots. She flipped her blade and was about to leap Hengel. When she noted Gimli trying to climb Arod. She cracked a wicked smile.

"C'mon, get me up here, I'm a fighter. Argh!" the dwarf complained. As he suddenly felt Ethir helping to climb Arod.

Legolas spotted the warg pack running towards them. As he was standing on his fire his arrows. The riders appeared behind him. Arod was near, Legolas sprang grabbing against Gimli and lifting himself on the horse's back. Ethir, who was riding close by, noted the lift. She shook her head, mumbling "Annoying, Elf! And Flexible!"

The riders drew their swords and ran towards the warg. They crash into each other at full speed. The fight had started and it was bloody and harsh. Many wolves and orcs were killed. Blades were crossed and the fight grew severe. A frozen second between standoff and fight, Ethir notices their eyes flick. She refused to use her bow. Her blade was much more used here. She felt the blade cut through their skin, her face was unreadable, no fear only a wicked smirk. Like she was enjoying the encounter. The blood and dirt, once again didn't bother her.

Suddenly, Gimli fell off the horse and a riderless warg rushed towards him. Gimli was bravely yelling at it. Ethir turned as she noticed the fall, though Legolas's arrow had already killed it. Gimli and Ethir glare at the elf.

"Argh! That one counts as mine!" Gimli cried Legolas, who was already facing another warg.

After a while, Gimli ended up below a pile of orcs and wargs. An Orc tried to attack as he was trapped under it, though the dwarf snapped the Orc's neck. Gimli tried to rise off the pile, but another tried to crawl into view. Aragorn noticed it and threw a spear, killing it. The dead warg landed on Gimli.

The King and the ranger went on killing orcs. Their strikes were brutal, killing anything that would face their blades. A warg sprang against Aragorn, causing him to fall from his horse. The ranger leaped on the warg and battled his rider. He hit the orc, crushing against it as it fell aside, dragging Aragorn with him. His hand was trapped in the harness of the warg, trying to free himself. Though the warg dashed off a cliff, Aragorn fell with it.

Moments later the fight had ended. They checked that the orcs were dead and for anyone alive. As the fighting dissipated, Legolas, Ethir, and Gimli searched for Aragorn.

"Aragorn!" all three called his name trying to spot the ranger. The dwarf noted a dying orc on the ground, laughing. He leaned against him with his axe aiming at his face.

"Tell me what happened and I will ease your passing!" Gimli spoke in a scary tone.

"He's gone. He's Dead! He took a little tumble off the cliff!" the orc coughed while gazing at Gimli.

Legolas grabbed the orc in rage. "You lie!" he cried in a deadly tone. Ethir walked closer to the cliff as she listened to what the orc said. The orc laughed, blood bubbling in his mouth. He ended up dead. Legolas found the Evenstar in the Orc's hand. He and Gimli approached the cliff and stood next to Ethir. Legolas was still holding the Evenstar. Ethir's gaze paused at the Evenstar. Her mind is frozen as she is in shock. All three gaze down the river below. Théoden approached behind them. They still cannot accept what happened.

"Get the wounded on horses. The wolves of Isengard will return. Leave the dead." Théoden King spoke as he gazed at Legolas and tapped his shoulder. Legolas gathered his fist around the Evenstar not wanting to leave his friend behind. Though the fall was deep, they couldn't follow. Aragorn may manage to survive the fall, though he wasn't sure if they were. Ethir was standing there numbed. Her mind couldn't just accept that the Ranger would fall from a cliff. Gimli stood next to her, in disbelief.

Théoden called them "Come. We cannot linger."

Ethir lifted her blade and placed it back on its case, after cleaning it against her gown. She stepped back "I'll not stand down and watch another one die!" she cried out and dashed off towards the cliff. She sprang up and aimed to jump following Aragorn. Her words caught Legolas' attention, who was fast enough and omitted himself in a looped jump grabbing her before she was able to fall down the cliff. He landed against the ground, next to the cliff, above Ethir.

"Alas! Have you drawn mad? What were you thinking?" he yelled casting a dark gaze upon her.

She pushed him off her glaring back at him "I cannot just leave, and leave a friend behind." she clarified.

Legolas stood up and sighed "Neither of us can. Though leaping down a cliff will not save him. You know better than that. Let us go! Gimli, Ethir!"

Gimli helped up Ethir. She was still struggling and not accepting what had happened. Neither, Gimli nor Legolas could. Though they knew, they had to move on. After all, it was Aragorn, Legolas had faith that he would have survived the fall. Nothing, else was said.

The ones who survived the ride towards Helm's Deep...

((Next Chapter: 28))

[last edit: 2017 April]

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Mereth en draugrim == Feast of wolves (slain enemy)

More than anything, thank you for taking the time to read this!

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