•Chapter One•

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This book will not be solely consumed on the facts in the show The Walking Dead. I will be creating my own plot twists and events, but the characters, scenes, and SOME events will be the same. I might add a few scenery and characters that are not in the show.

This will have mature content for ages 13+. If you would not like the details of how walkers are killed or something, you probably shoudn't be reading a The Walking Dead book.

Sorry if you don't like the way I spell Greyson. I knew a Greyson, and she spelt her name this way.

A picture of how I see Greyson is attached.

Hope you enjoy:)

All rights are reserved, copyright.

*cue The Walking Dead theme song*


*Greyson's P.O.V.*

I grip my machete firmly in my hands and target my attacker. He's just around the corner of this cabin sniffing around for something, most likely someone, to eat. I quickly plant my back to the wood of the cabin so my head is no longer poking out from the corner. I smirk and tap my machete against the wood causing noise to muster through the air. Immediately, the creature reacts, walking in my direction.

Just as I was sure he was right around the corner, I slice my machete through the air, obviously succeeding in my guess in the case of impact. I watch as the creature's head topples in front of me. I don't scream as any other girl my age would, I just step over it and quicken my way up the steps of the cabin.

I ease my way into the house, listening carefully for the sound of any moaning. All I can hear is the slight noise of the wind hitting against the house.

"Come out you assholes!" I call out, trying to get the things down here.

I call these abominal things creatures, for the most part. I've heard other terms, biters, roamers, monster, I just settled for calling them creatures. That's what they are, right?

When nothing comes out trying to eat my flesh, I decide to search for supplies.

I'm alone, no family, no friends. Nothing. All me and my own damn supplies. The best way to survive.

I try not to think of my past. Of my family, friends, life. It was a tough world before, it's a tough world now.

I snicker at the thought of others. They all thought Global Warming would be the end of this terrific world. Nope, just the walking dead.

I know it's not as funny as it is to me, but if you don't find some positivity in this world, you might as well be one of them. Dead.

I grab out a full box of Cheerios and two and half full bottles of water. It's not much but it's better than nothing.

I look down on the counter where a plate with rotting cheese is on it with a knife place next to it. A sharp one. With blood. Next to the knife is the finger of someone who has been fingerless for, looks around, a month. I wipe the blood off the knife and onto the rag that was hanging on the stove handle. I easily slide the knife into my boot and take one more look through-out the kitchen.

Once I was done checking the whole house for supplies, I head out. No reason in making that dump my house. There's Biters surrounding the woods behind here. I'd be dead in a week.

Here I am, a fifteen year old girl, stuck in a world solely for the dead.


hey guysss!

So I know it's a bit short buttt there will be more soon

I got a little bit excited to start making this book


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